Emotional Management, Part 2; Preparation of the physical body for Magick

Through out my approach to magick I have aimed at working with what has fascinated me the most in shaping the imagination and emotional reflexes at the was storytelling as the artistic medium for magick.
There are so many ways that magick travels be it through art in its many mediums, through conversations, through the teachings of old to the teachings of our children in their simple gesture that compels to transform from one form into the other.

Now I am not interested to convince those who haven't experienced magick with words as hammers to bludgeon their heads with belief because that is just the monotheistic short cut into doubt and management through guilt. Now allow me to adhere those words with principles I chose to stick to so as to provide the perception I chose of the mind with sufficient sense of security and thus have a more aggressive thrust imbued with might of testosterone. The principle here is honesty, well honestly I think is in low commodity these days....and that is the biggest lie but allow me to become more honest then, what I did there is create a criminal out of the; supposed or assumed stupidity of monotheism to give you a sense of belonging where this current of proverbial water of emotion seems to come from and this case a hint for the absurdly obvious it is coming from a rebellious aspect...yes it is meant to titillate your vengeful and erotic senses and somehow provoke you by confusion.

But here allow me to bring you back from the ocean into shelter a bit so you can relax a bit and do please read those words and start breath deeply and relax yourself, I know its hard to so since I told you that being rebellious and vengeful can be put in the same sentence as erotic but does that mean that them being bound by the length of the previous sentence binds them with truth of causality in every experience?

Now let us begin with today's story!

There was a sailor on a ship, it was getting dry inside the ship, there was no alcohol for the pirates and they really had long time ahead of them before they can get to the island. The women in the ship whom they picked up from the previous island started to find themselves losing interest in the captain for his lack of resourcefulness and his failed promises.

Some women chose to rebel against the captain, some women chose to rebel against each other for some them indeed imbibed a much stronger drug than alcohol and that was love, and through that drug they found faith in the captain and his men to get them to safety.

Some women were not interested in love they were interested in the adventure were they just wanted to see what they can find on the other islands and they have taken this ship as a means to an end.

Some women were interested in the ship and they wanted to own it because they believed in the power of motion and that they can go from one island to the other if they put their faith in that captain and his men and some of those women went to the extent of wanting to learn how to work a ship themselves so that one day they wouldn't need the captain in the first place and have a better form of optionality.

The pirates were amazed at the differences because for once they decided to break the pirate code and have women on deck and that led them to have something new to behold, but with new possibility comes the adversity of security and the common benefit.

Some men wanted to kill the rebellious because the rebellious didn't want them for a mate so they saw in their presence an adversity for their supposed immortality through seminal mysticism and their guilt ridden worship to mystify their fathers whom they knew not but in deification.
Some men wanted to fuck the rebellious, because all men know how good of fuck is with your equal, but then those men feared that they you would be disposable so they decided to kill the rebellious women too.
Some men wanted to take care of those rebellious women because they saw themselves as their worshippers because just the mere sight of those rebellious women just gave them hope in their compassion being cared for by the bravery of those women.

The women who fell in love with the pirates decided to go around the men in the ship and seduce them with their beauty, they enjoyed sex, love and fornication, the rebellious women went straight to the captain some with daggers and some with their most powerful weapon their laugh and appreciation. As we all know there is nothing more rewarding than a powerful women's appreciation yet we pretend to find bigger joys. (Yes the author is a rampant and raging Mommas boy who is deeply in love with his wife says a lot about the credibility of this story huh!).

what happened next is up to your imagination! But the more important question did they find a way to get alcohol?

Now why did you read through all of this, may be you were taking a shit and this was something as valuable as a shampoo advertisement but far away from the desire for appreciation through self deprecation, let's talk of today's lesson in magickal preparation of the body, as the Sufis say for the heart to receive the body and mind must be prepared.

In this part of preparation we talk of emotional management, as you will get to know a big part of how the spirits of magick travels is through emotional fluctuation and through gaps of awareness and the magician would "hope" in this case to work on himself to have the ability to open up a desire portal before he/she surrenders to it. Now can we call magick an act of selective surrendering to circumstance well along the path you will discover many meanings for magick including "meaning" itself.

Emotional management-part II- The models of self treatment:

I have found proof through my experience on the validity of this model, this is me standing on the shoulders of giants the likes of Robert Anton Wilson, Dr Christopher Hyatt, G.I Gurdjeff, Austin Osman Spare and many others so here it goes....may the giants never become shadows and may their light never become infallible so mote it be!

0-Benefit----------Model--------------In extremity
8-Communication-Relater---------Identity crisis

Now as I feel a bit nauseated with fear at the barrage of words I feel compelled to write under this table but I do promise my self to keep it simple.

The above is a personal model of who I am currently and what my personality tends to become in extreme circumstances, and in there; there is continuity on how the self develops from acceptor to relater and vice versa and how it develops from Identity crisis and stagnation and vice versa and so on and so forth.

Now does that mean that this table applies to you my dear reader, may be yes or may be no however this can be considered a key that you can work with in understanding who you are in different circumstances and their emotional and physical impressions and your reactions to them.

See that didn't take too long just long enough.......now did you find a way to get more alcohol!

May no order hinder you!
May chaos be your authority!

Credits to Antje Bischof my wife and my Babalon and Goddess of worship for the below painting.

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