Q: Divine Feminine: is she for real?

IMG_0499.JPGI carpooled with my homeboys to our evening ecstatic dance last night with a sparkle in my chest. To get to shake it with our community is one if not my MOST favorite things. The music was on point, and we all were getting down. Then I noticed this singing siren mermaid friend go over to a slump of a guy sitting motionless. Watching- not even a foot tap. So, this watery goddess friend noticed him and locked in his field. He was, before that moment, a black hole of a man sitting in his vintage Star Wars t-shirt. All he was holding was his trusty "the dead" ball cap curled into a shell shape in one hand. Seeing his life-less demeanor, I wondered how it would be if all the dead-heads changed thier name to "the grateful."

At one motion of Amanda's dance, the man was struck with shock that he was even seen in a sea of shaking active dancers. She felt the shudder that went through his dense heart and therefore his squishy gut in a call and response of silent recognition and witness to his pain. He collapsed in his spine a few times as he let out the energies and reset himself to eyes open. Her openess to connection was a love, like a forcefield straight to reckon his wall of grief. He allowed her to draw out the demons so to speak with her unfettering eyes and slow gentle dance of light and many times, it was as if she and he were connected by something further unseen in the ways they mirrored the shifts and moving in the healing form of prayer. She swept channels around him to free the stuck energy he had been holding like a blubber around himself. She became the opening to his being new again for a moment. She merely danced and held her hands close to his skin. He wept.
My witness to this exchange didn't stop with the mermaid. Our sometimes silent siren- the beautiful feminine mime friend took over and led him through a journey of facial expression and gestures that kept him from becoming self-conscious again having gotten up in the dancing crowd.
I was witness to the beauty of becoming humanity as one. The trend to separate and chastise others for being in any way an outsider is over now. The goddess has returned in hip new giving way. She allows her purest openess to welcome any lost sweet ones, to heal them in an instant of being seen in a sea of somebodies. When we dream our hearts awake, the dance of life becomes a grander gift for everybody, everywhere.

A: She opens her field to give love. Divine Feminine knows no boundaries. She is limitless.

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