My Entry For "Favorite Things Photo Contest"

@phoenixwren is hosting a photography contest, his cats judge his contests! They are real tough cookies I tell you...they require offerings, but that doesn't mean you'll win. Trust me I know from experience 😂

Take a picture of these 5 things: Your favourite food, place to sit, mug or cup to drink out of, shirt and book. Here are the rules>>> Favorite Things Photo Contest.

#1: Favourite Food

Oh God, do I even have to say? Gramma Anne's Buns! Though I can never make them as good as her, I always try. I use these buns for everything, we even slice them thinly when they get stale and make mini grilled cheese sandwiches with them.

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What I haven't told you is that they are so much my favourite that I've recently had to start weaning myself off of them. I haven't gone cold turkey but I'm really trying to limit myself to only 1 or 2 a day. Hence why the next photo is of Kiedis and Stryder eating the batch I made this evening.


So good hot out of the oven with peanut butter.



Or butter. Damn as I'm making this post right now I'm really kicking myself for not having one of these earlier...LOL! Shouldn't it be the other way around? Shouldn't I be glad that I didn't have one?

#2: Favourite Place to Sit


Black couch. Left side. I actually have no idea why I like it there so much or why it is "my spot" in the house, and I just don't know if I want to dedicate the time it would take to muse upon it and find the answer. And I really don't think any of us care hahaha!

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#3: Favourite Cup or Mug

As it's called in the house: "My Chickeeeeeee Mug"

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It's got everything I love, chickens, crows, gardens...It's a small mug, so I definitely don't use it in the morning, but when I weighed it all out, I do love this mug more than my big white one because it's sooooooooooo cute and makes my heart happy.

#4: Favourite Shirt

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It doesn't look like nothing snazzy, but it's sooooooooo comfortable and I wear the shit out of it. All of my fall/winter clothes are downstairs, except this. We don't part ways, ever.

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#5: My Favourite Book

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Faith of the Fallen By Terry Goodkind

Photo on 2018-07-16 at 10.27 PM #5.jpg

And that is a wrap #STEEM Fam! One last time, if you'd like to join this contest you can find it HERE >>> Favorite Things Photo Contest. I look forward to seeing your favourite things...


My offerings to Maggie...shhhhhh...don't tell the kids.

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