The MAGA delusion

This was first published by The Unfake Media at.

Many people have been swept away into thinking that Donald Trump will make America great again and that he is taking on the globalists but the real fact is that he is doing the very opposite and is nothing more than a globalist Zionist puppet working for his handlers to speed up the implementation of the New World Order.

Don’t be deceived, the NWO is not something to come in the distant future it is here right now and you are living in it. It is only a matter of how far along they are in completing the goals that have in sight. Anybody that denies that we are living in the NWO in 2018 is sound asleep or just in denial. Every single day when you turn on your TV aka brainwashing box you will see more parts of the NWO being implemented.

Your news, entertainment, education, history, food, medicine and politics are controlled by the elite. When you tune into the news, you are not getting the truth you are getting fake news and are being conditioned into accepting the future they have in store for you.

Looking around the web, you will find all sorts of people angry about voting ID laws and government websites telling you how to get an ID to vote for free. People vote and then get stickers that say I voted and feel all special since they think they actually changed the course of politics but the reality that people need to grasp is that voting is a 100% fraud! It is possible that some small local elections are legit but all the big elections are rigged and the candidates are selected. You are believing a fairy tale if you think democracy is something that exists in the USA. Democracy is horrible system and in the USA we are supposed to have not a democracy but a Republic which we most certainly do not have.

Freedom is dead in the USA, America as a county does not exist, this nation has been completely taking over by the Zionists, Freemasons and other elite groups.

Something that needs to be understood is that there is no making America Great Again all that is left is to watch it burn and hope to be able to rebuild it from the ashes. This might make some people angry but the fact is that the US government is a terrorist organization that wants to enslave you even further into their system of lies.

If you live in the USA you are not free you are a slave.

Slavery was not abolished in the USA it was just that everyone was made a slave in a different type of way in that most people still think they are free. The worst kind of slaves are ones that believe they are free when they are not.

When you understand that there is no saving the USA and that it must be rebuilt from ashes you must understand that something like that is being planned by the elite to trick people into thinking there is a revolution when it is just the powers that be crashing the system and bringing in their new system that is even more controlled.

One of the chief things they have planned is a global one world digital currency. One idea of how they will go about getting this system implemented is after they crash things lots and lots of people will have tons of debt and will be helpless because most people hate being self-sufficient and think that the state owes them free this and free that. The salesmen of this new global currency will tell people that all their debt will be forgiven and that they can get lots of free stuff if they just sign on to the new world order global currency. Most of the brain-dead masses will gladly accept this and think it is great, and for the people that do not want to comply they will set up a tattle-tale system where your neighbors will sell you out in a heart beat. We can not be sure how they will work to get this cashless global currency system put in place but we can clearly see how they have been telegraphing it to us and preparing us for it.

Many people who were supposedly awake said that the Democrats and Republicans were no different and that the left and right were both controlled by the same powers that be but then when Trump came along they turned on what they had said and went full-out in the their support of Trump and said that he would solve our problems and release us from the shackles of globalism.

After Trump showed his true colors and went back on many of the things he had said the MAGA maggots made up all sorts of excuses for why Trump was doing this and that and that he was playing 4D chess and tricking the democrats. Some of the biggest people propagating this nonsense have been the frauds of the fake alternative media like Alex Jones and Mark Dice. The Alt-Rght was also big in supporting Trump and bringing about the MAGA delusion by their utter lies and deceptions. The Alt-Right is a fake fraud controlled opposition movement that won’t speak the truth but will only facilitate the divide and conqueror agenda. #Qanon is also another big deception by the MAGA shills, don’t waste any of your time buying into the #Qanon garbage and if you are going to spend any time looking into it, it should be to expose it for the fraud that it is.

The whole mentality of these MAGA maggots and the fake patriots of the United Socialist States of America is so contradictory. The fake MAGA patriots of the USSA claim they support the Second Amendment and the Constitution but then they go and worship the police that trample on the Constitution everyday and terrorize people for profit.

There are no good cops in the USSA they are all foot soldiers of the NWO and will do great amounts of tyrannical acts in the name of I’m just doing my job. Sure some police might do kind things and protect people here and there but it still does not change the fact that they are employees of a terrorist criminal organization that derives it’s revenue from extortion, theft and fraud.

The fake MAGA patriots of the USSA turn a blind eye well Trump sets out to infringe on the Second Amendment and if Hillary or another Democrat was doing it they would be up in arms but with Trump they let it slide.

If you still think the USSA can be fixed or made great again then you are under a delusion and need to get back in touch with reality.

This country is corrupt from the very top to the very bottom and their might be local governments that are better than others but they all still go along with the terrorists and will not resist.

As the gun grabbing agenda is going forward like a bullet train many people feel that there are to many good patriots left in the USSA that would fight back but the truth is that if there was really that many good real patriots in the USSA we would not be in this situation to begin with and the revolution would have happened a long time ago.

There are still some good true patriots left in the USSA but it is far fewer than most believe and many of the people who call themselves patriots are fake frauds.

It is still possible that their might be a revolution of sorts if a gun ban was declared but it would likely be controlled and used by the powers that be to further their global government agenda.

I still hope that people will wake up and stop going along with the NWO but from the way things are it is looking quit grim. You still can try to wake people up and speak the truth to them but it is wise to take some things into your own hands. Get out of their system, grow your own food, be self-sufficient, get off the grid and fully reject their fake culture of degeneracy, mind-control and fake love.

Copyright by The Unfake Media 2018


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