Spend Life With A Label


We live in a world in which the label becomes a part of us, we are this one, when that person, so we must be like this and so. The label that we have become the basis of a person's assessment of the attitudes and behaviors that should be in the person's appearance.

If a teacher has to behave like a teacher, if a professor has to behave like a professor.

Life like that is tiring, we are like in the shadow by the label, make us forget how to be ourselves, what if we are not what others think about a label what it looks like, the label is only in use if indeed we are in a situation that requires us to behave according to the circumstances of the moment. A teacher can be a friend of a student, a teacher can joke with a student, if the condition is not too serious.

We are sometimes too focused on the things that are embedded inside the outside of ourselves, we only see someone from what he is wearing, for example, someone by using snelli in the hospital will be called by a doctor immediately they will be honored , someone who wears the snelli will walk first. While the person who is mopping inside the hospital often we forget not to appreciate it, we know the floor is in the mop, but casually we just pass by, making the floor dirty again. People with higher labels will be appreciated and in higher respect too, that's the reality that happens today.

Seeing someone from what label he had was a mistake. Man is not labeled. If the man has a Label then the pride will be in him. Feeling himself right about the things he knows so he closes himself to accept things differently than they are. Social acceptance is always in desires so that we try to become a human labeled this, this form of a hypocrisy of the man himself.

Doing all sorts of ways to get these labels, each other's elbows to get the attention of others, feel each other right with this labeled life. Seeking a self-esteem to make himself look noble from others.

Labels will get someone in a narrow circle, because they just want to be in the same circle. An environment that is too homogeneous makes us think too narrow, because they have the same thoughts, so they just spin in a similar pattern. While being in a heterogeneous environment, makes a person more color and pattern that he knows. Learning is not only in the same environment, learning should have a diversity in it so that we become sensitive and inferior to a situation.

Letting go of the label we have, seeing someone like that person, wanting him to have what kind of label, it seems like we are not worth judging good and bad someone, judging good and bad, right and wrong is not our duty as a human being. Letting go of our labels makes us capable of accepting every difference, we need not be afraid of being ourselves, we need not justify what we think is right. Man proceeds to be wrong, if man is proceeding to be true then he is dissolved in the truth that he has, if man always tries to be wrong, then he will learn to correct his mistake, until he becomes wrong again.

Label is just a temporary thing, the label can just disappear, if the label is lost then stay our existing self. If we are too focused on the existing label, when the label is gone, then we feel nobody. Though we are more than the label.


Even if you are at the top, looking up will make you feel tired because looking up is endless, but if we look down then we will learn to become inferior

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