Macrophotography - small wild mushroom

Good afternoon steemians ... Today I came back again with steemit, on this afternoon opportunity allow me to write a word or two in this steemit media account, on this afternoon I want to share a little article or blog in steemit to my friends all .

Well on the occasion this afternoon, I want to introduce one of my macrophotography that compose this afternoon, the wild mushrooms, whatever the name of this mushroom that must be mushroom confounded the layman can not be fed or made herbal medicine because this is one organic materials that are harmful to our human health.


Perhaps most ordinary people are too easy to rely on herbal medicines from large forest forests and they digap all the fungi or wood roots can be in the benefit or in the drug is actually something that is not so good for our health the community.

I found this mushroom mushroom in one of the woods or dead woods, and I use my smartphone camera to take some pictures, (smartphone xiomi redmi 4a + macro lens) , because this fungus is too small so I use the macro as a complement to let the picture more clearly.



Macro Photography is taken by @noval25 with camera smartphone xiaomi redmi 4a "+ macro lens


The forest is generally a humid place with dim light. Logs are sometimes buried by other forest debris. The survival power of the Mushroom species depends largely on the ability of the fungus to stand out from the surface. Mushroom mushrooms evolve to be able to use low concentrations of carbon dioxide and light as a requirement for their survival ability to break through the surface. However, the trees filter out a lot of bright blue light dandominan, causing the fungus to react only to blue light.

We can not get all the answers necessary to describe the environment needed to grow mushrooms, only from observations in nature, but at least we can see that there is a special environmental need that we must prepare for our kumbung and our mushroom cultivation environment. Because not all mushrooms that can be fed.

Quite so much that I can convey in the afternoon today, may the best friend can support or give if my story is less clear to understand*

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