Bugs in my garden #4 -- The return of the St Andrew cross spider.


This first bug, is a fly. Its on the wall outside. Its the fly on the wall.
These flys are what us Aussies are talking about when we say "damn flys". I call them black budgies. Black budgies are a right pain in the arse. They will crawl all over your face, go up your nose and even try and steal a bit of moisture from your tear duct. I have accidentally swallowed a few but not as many that have died at my hand. They are everywhere and there is no avoiding them.

Here is a jumping spider. These guys are pretty cute and there is a lot of them in my yard. They come in a range of colours. I think they are my second favourite spider. As their name suggests, these fellas jump!

A moth. Not sure what kind. It is having a rest on the garden edge. It must have known I was there but it didn't even batter an eye lid. What a brave moth it is!

This is very cool! I noticed this hole in my bonsai pot a couple of weeks ago. I thought it could have some kind of spider, but to be honest, I had no idea.

Until I was out having a smoke, camera at hand in case something crawled by. I heard a loud buzzing and spotted a bee flying into the hole. It looked a bit strange and I only caught a glimpse of it. Then, a few minutes later, out it buzzed. So now I know its a bee. Then it came back. This time I got a good look at it. The bee was carrying a leaf! WTF?
So I hit google, this is what I found.

The amazing handiwork of the leafcutter bees makes them one of the most fascinating bees in Australia! The leafcutter bee snips a neat circle or oval from a leaf. She will use these leaf pieces to weave tiny cradles for her eggs inside her nest burrow.


So I had to get a shot of it! It moves to fast for me to get a decent macro, but I did get this picture!

A grass hopper. Nothing to exciting unless you like eating them. I prefer a mars bar TBH.

Oh look! A Saint Andrew cross spider! I thought they had all gone into hibernation. The last one I photographed just disappeared after making a feast of her mate. Then I spied this one. This is my favourite spider!

How awesome does it look! Mother nature is a great artist, a true master.

Just look at the colours and the patterns on her!

On my way back inside, I spotted a trail of ants and decided to follow it. I had a pretty good idea where they were headed. I had fed the cats some raw mince and these ants had hijacked the bowl! The cats didn't care, they had already eaten some biscuits, the mince was just a chunk that had sat in the fridge a day or so to long. Check out the party in the cats bowl! I have to say, when i went out again later in the evening, all the mince was gone. That would have been one of the local foxes. Mustve been hungry because when you squash one of those ants, it smells like poo. You guessed it, we call them poo ants.

Thanks for checking out my latest "bugs in my garden" post. I hope you enjoyed the post and you return sometime! Cheers!


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