laba-laba sebagai bentuk konsistensi saya di steemit (spiders as a form of consistency I in steemit)


Hari Sabtu 24 February 2018, seluruh steemians KSI chapter east aceh sedang melaksanakan meet up bereh, suasana di Zein coffee ini terasa seperti pesta besar, sungguh luar biasa.

Saturday 24 February 2018, the entire steemians KSI chapter east of aceh is implementing a meet up bereh, the atmosphere in the Zein coffee this feels like a big party, it was amazing.


Ada beberapa hal yang sering dipaparkan oleh para senior salah satunya adalah masalah konsistensi, lagi-lagi Malasah konsistensi peran konsistensi sangat penting dalam membangun reputasi steemians, oleh karena itu saya selalu mempertahakan konsistensi saya dengan membuat foto-foto macro sesuai dengan kemampuan dan kapasitas saya.

There are some things that are often presented by the senior one of them is a matter of consistency, again the Problem of consistency of the role of consistency is very important in building a reputation steemians, therefore I always maintain the consistency of I with photos of the macro in accordance with the ability and my capacity.



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