More Than Meets The Eye-Photography Series #10

After sharing my little friend yesterday, it reminded me of some pictures that I took back in the Autumn whilst walking through a near-buy gorge. There was a looped path that took you right around the gorge with lots of little twists and turns and steep hills and slopes, all the while walking through, under and around the various trees.

When I came to a set of steps, I could not help but notice these miniture pure white mushrooms growing proudly from the mulch. They stood out so well from all of its surroundings, had a certain knowing of what their existance was and what they had to do, it was rather beautiful and profound. Mushrooms have so many properties which I feel get under used; they can be used for nutrition in meals to opening dementions through the third eye.

I am unsure of the type of mushroom this is, there are millions that look similar or are almost identical and I do not want to miss-identify. If you know what these little guys are, let me know in the comments!

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