macrophotography - first tries in Macro Photography this spring

Picture of a Spring Snowflake. Picture: Florian Glechner.

Camera usedNikon D500
Lens usedTamron 90mm Macro Lens
Filter usednone
Exposure Time1/100 Seconds
Aperture usedF4
Focal Lengh90mm
Time03:06 pm

The last weekend i did my first tries in flower photography this year. The spring snowflakes are already blooming and you can find a lot of them in the forrets nearby my home. I was on a small photography trip this last sunday afternoon for trying my new Camera with my Macro lens. I must say i am a bit dissapointed but i am looking forward to improove my skills in Macro photography this year with the book i bought, that has a lot of useful tricks. I still need to get much closer to the object to get more interesting pictures.

“If your photographs aren't good enough,
you're not close enough. ”
-- Rober Capa

I still need to take this good and true quote in consideration when i do my photography. Not only on macro shots but also on animal and wildlife photography i plan to do this year. I know that most of my real close up shots wher i didn't even ge the whole animals body on the picture are the best i did.


Camera usedNikon D500
Lens usedTamron 90mm Macro Lens
Filter usednone
Exposure Time1/100 Seconds
Aperture usedF4
Focal Lengh90mm
Time03:06 pm
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