"My entry for the 7 DAYS STEEMIT MACRO-PHOTOGRAPHY CHALLENGE by @flamingirl"

Here is my entry! This is my first contest on Steemit. I used to spend a lot of time with my camera and I need to do that more often! On to the photos!

Here is a young praying mantis! He is lounging in a pie pan.

Now he is in my hand, don't worry he seems friendly!


Here is an EXTREME close-up. This guy is translucent. Amazing creatures!

Remember when I said not to worry? Maybe it's time to start... here he is doing his best Marvin the Martian immitation! "Earth will be destroyed!" Ah, just kidding. Interesting to note, that they seem to have 4 appendages on their jaws, I wish I could have got a clearer shot here, but this was the best I could do, he was moving around and this guy is about the size of my index finger!

Thanks for looking and I'm looking forward to seeing all the entries in the contest! Good luck to all!

Nikon D80 w/ Nikkor 50mm F1.4D w/ extension tube.

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