My Entry for the 7 DAYS STEEMIT MACRO-PHOTOGRAPHY CHALLENGE BY @flamingirl đź“· Two acrobats on a rope.

This photograph is my entry for a 7 Days Steemit Macro-Photography Challenge by @flamingirl

[click for full size]

I was trying to get some interesting shots another day on dandelion post-blossom seed head. (in fact nothing impressive came out of that affair). There was a windy day outside, so I brought the subject home, and was playing my games in a dinning room.
Suddenly, my wife unexpectedly open the door to our terrace, and sharp wind gust broke in from the outside. The next moment most of the dandelion seeds were gone.

But then I suddenly noticed two seeds stuck on a flower bouquet leaves, standing on the window sill. I found them interesting, asked my wife to keep still, and slowly came closer with my camera. And here you see the result.

Like two circus acrobats on a rope, high in the air. Right?

Is't this funny?
Just like a reminder, to always look for something good even in the worst things.

[click for full size]

​These pictures were taken by @onealfa on May 22, 2018, in my dinning room in Vilnius, Lithuania
​Gear used: Olympus E-M1 MarkII & 60mm F2.8, M.Zuiko macro, 1/250sec, F/2.8, ISO-2000, -0.7 exp bias



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