The Machete

The machete is a widely used tool in which has been used throughout the ages as an invaluable tool which has been used since midieval times dating back to the 13th century. The first of it's kind was the Falchion.

A machete is a broad blade that is used just like a knife or sometimes like a sword.

There are many types of machete, each region of the world having developed it's own unique variety. The Greeks used the Kopis, the Germanic peoples used the Dao, of Chinese origin, and the European armies used the Fascine from the 18th to 20th centuries. Armies of today still use the machete in bushy or jungle terrains as it is an indispensable tool for them.

A multi-purpose tool the machete is used often in gardening, landscaping, cutting sugar cane in sub-tropical areas, and clearing brush in the rainforest.

Typically the blade of a machete ranges from 10 to 24 inches.

Machetes come in a wide variety of design as it depends on the origin of the knife itself, in Malaysia that version is known as a parang. I have included an image below.

Machetes are a versatile tool and have been used throughout history for a wide variety of purposes from military to agricultural use.

A handy implement to have for any purpose.kisspng-bowie-knife-machete-hunting-survival-knives-blad-5b3edcafe46905.2561820515308463839356.png

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