Something to think about

Nowadays everything is out of interest, but I continue to be generous and give of what I have without expecting anything in return, many criticize me for helping others, they supposedly say that it is "to later collect the favor" but what they do not understand that there are still good hearts. And I, I am one of them, I don't care what they think of me, I will always be like that. So why not help others without expecting anything in return? It is not at all impossible, besides being humble This is what it's like to be loved by good hearts. Never stop doing good things for others, you will always be rewarded, because in this life you have to be empathetic with each and every one of us who live in this world. In short, these are just my thoughts. Maybe you may find them unpleasant, dear reader, and well, thank you for reading my post until the end, I really thank you very much, it wouldn't be bad to leave a ♥️ so you help me a lot and I know you liked it :)

Hoy en día todo es por interés,pero yo sigo siendo generoso y dando de lo que tengo sin esperar nada a cambio, muchos me critican por ayudar a los demás , supuestamente dicen que es "para despues cobrar el favor" pero lo que no entienden que todavia hay buenos corazones.Y yo,soy uno de ellos,no me importa lo que piensen de mi yo siempre sere asi.Entonces porque no ayudar a los demas siempre podamos sin esperar nada a cambio?No es nada imposible, además ser humilde asi es ser amado por los buenos corazones.Nunca dejes de hacer buenas cosas por los demas, siempre serás recompensado, porque en esta vida hay que ser empáticos con todos y cada uno de los que avitamos en este mundo.En fin son solo mis pensamientos,tal vez puede que te resulten desagradables querido lector y bueno gracias por leer mi post hasta el final ,de verdad muchísimas gracias,no estaria mal dejar un ♥️ asi me alludas un montón y asi se que te gustó :)

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