Gate of Mabon: how to go through them?


We have just passed a very important point of the year - the autumnal equinox. The energy that surrounds us during this period is in many respects similar to the energy that we meet on the day of the vernal equinox. But still there is a fundamental difference. If the spring equinox sets us up for active activity (if you remember, we then talked about planning your life), then the autumnal equinox is the time of summing up and preparation for the "dead" period.

The next 10 days or two weeks of Mabon's energy will be especially active, in this it is a favorable period to assess how ready we are to accept them and to correct those moments that need it.

Despite the fact that the autumnal equinox differs from the spring equinox with much more vivid colors and abundance, this is the period when nature prepares to plunge into winter sleep. In traditional society, this was also the period of transition from the active phase of life, when people were actively engaged in agricultural work, to more passive, winter. If we talk about modern society, then we hardly see a decline in social activity in the autumn-winter period. Rather, it happens the other way around, because the period of summer holidays is coming to an end. In this way, I propose to focus on the psychological characteristics of this period and once again return to the gender roles of the Wheel of the Year.

If we project the period of Mabon for the period of human life, then we are talking about a period of decline in social activity. Most often this occurs in connection with a certain age. Most often, the first signs of Mabon's energy in our life we begin to feel since the age of 40. But this can also mean the end of some significant period in life. For example, you begin to feel that you have lost interest in the type of activity that you previously did.

Since any equinox is a period of equilibrium, it is favorable for establishing harmony in our life, bringing it into a harmonious, balanced state.

What to look for in this period.


How much are you prepared to accept the inevitability of changes?

This is about all areas of life.

If it's about age changes, how much are you willing to take them for granted? This is especially true of changes in appearance. The struggle to preserve the young appearance is a huge industry today. Many people not only spend huge sums of money, but often sacrifice their health in order to maintain a youthful appearance. In a simpler version, this is manifested in absurd attempts to follow the youth fashion. I do not want to say that to look young and strive for it is bad, but everything should be harmonious. Unfortunately, I know many women who, instead of enjoying the beautiful age, spend time chasing after the spirit of youth. They suffer so much from the fact that the youth has passed, that they lose their present.


In a career this can be manifested in the fact that a person no longer has enough energy to compete with younger and more active people. Instead of suffering in this regard, you should look, maybe it's worth changing the field of activity and moving from practice to theory, to start sharing experience?

You may also have a feeling that in your field of activity you have reached the limit and are no longer developing. This is a difficult moment. On the one hand, your position is quite stable, but on the other hand the job no longer brings you satisfaction. This may apply to other spheres of life.

It is also worth remembering that you do not have to prove anything to anyone. Maybe you should focus on what you have long wanted to do? Writing, drawing, music, traveling. This list can be continued. In the world there is so much more interesting.


How much do you get involved in different situations?

As we have already said, the equinox is a very favorable period for achieving balance. Pay attention to your emotional manifestations. If you constantly react too emotionally to any situation, it takes away your energy. The best indicator is a traffic jam. At the end of this post, you will also find my favorite video on the topic that everything that is going on in our lives, even a traffic jam, is not just happening and we need wisdom to react calmly.

Do you know how to lose?

The ability to lose with dignity is also an indicator of wisdom. Our vanity often "spurs" us, forcing us to reach the goal at all costs. It is said that "the end justifies the means", but it is important to remember that some means are capable of destroying even the noblest goal. The price may be too high. To understand this, it is enough to recall the film "Devil's Advocate".

Who am I? Where I am?

At some point, we begin to evaluate our "location". This is often called a middle age crisis. But it is important to remember that we usually evaluate our position in society and we are oriented at the social standards of success. But should we actually meet this standard? The wisdom of the age is given to us in order to understand that our spiritual comfort is much more important than the external attributes of success.


Of course, all these issues and problems can arise not only during the autumn equinox, but the energy of Mabon can help to find answers more successfully.

To summarize, I also want to draw your attention to the fact that unlike the vernal equinox, when we paid much attention to planning our life, Mabon is a favorable period for summing up the results.


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