I`ma obese virgin, that means that the only way I can get some boobies is if I rip off someone's tits with meat hooks and fry em up like cheese burgers. Adolescents rip me the crud off gave me 3 inches a fat stomach and an uncanny knack at getting the best stuff at flea markets. My teen years were full of Erectile Dysfunction tears, most of my so called friends were found dead with duct tape tied from ear to ear. Most of my so called friends were rape victims, anorexics and cutters and 14 yr mothers. Who were beaten by family members and neglected and brutally molested, I tried to help them out but I couldn't because they were online and so late at night they would log off and cut themselves to sleep at night. Leaving me all alone miles away, stress eating as I only had their misery to numb myself from my own pain. The demons in my room laughing at me every day, I kept on eating to overcompensate the pain, my sleep patterns were that of dog diarrhea, constantly seeing scattered facial images of a girl named Leah.

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