Was in intensive care twelve days home now recuperating

Its been a long road, I've been fighting stage four copd and lung cancer and liver problems and diabetes and I ended up in intensive care when my thirteen nodules in my lungs got infected and grew and so did the eight nodules I have on my thyroid. I went into respiratory failure three times and had to be incubated. I am now at home recuperating but my life will never be the same. I cannot go out in the cold or the heat, when it's sunny and humid, I can go out on cloudy days with the temperature 60 to 80 degrees.
Even with my insulin fasting my blood sugar is 300 and I'm doing the diabetic diet to the letter. I lost twenty two pounds in the hospital9C18E100-DBD2-44C4-A4CB-89DD4D5999E6.jpeg
I just want to tell whoever reads this and smokes, quit. Its going to eventually kill you, the good Lord will take me when he's ready but I'm worried about my husband and children we are so close. I all to those that believe in God please pray for me, thank you peace and love My face is huge due to the steroids I was given in my IV every four hours for twelve days

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