I Wish You: Health, Happiness, Luck and Numeral Success.

Coldly analyzing our day to day, I noticed that there is a strange connotation that is circumscribed in the dangers, risks, problems, failures, deficiencies and in general in multiple situations, which in statistical terms can negatively affect us and therefore we must worry; although we usually do NOT take them into account, which, contradictorily, may be beneficial for our mental health.

To better understand the tangled prior approach, then I will leave a list of just three facts, of many others that exist, with important statistical data, which may cause us concern.

However, I must note that this review is done without the intention of harming or causing panic, only I have handled it as an educational measure, in order to increase general knowledge, and in some cases to be used as an element and preventive data or analytical (I also clarify that the order of appearance is random and is not related to the importance that each item may have assigned):


Although there are many indicators that highlight as positive the apparent fact and in turn probably true, that worldwide has achieved a sustained growth of the popular economy, both personally and family and nations (obviously excluding my beloved Venezuela and a handful of other countries with economic problems). The worrying reality of the facts is that approximately over 60% of the planet's inhabitants say they have contracted debts (and more than 90% of the nations of the world), of which more than 30% remain metaphorically or literally submerged in them and unable to get out of this distressing problem.

The situation is really worrying, because of its social connotation; let's see, for example, the huge external debts of the countries and the enormous burden that the payment of the debt services (which in many cases grossly exceeds 50% of said budget) represents for the budget of a nation, for the interests of the same, being very high sums of money to be paid and that if not for the external debts, could wisely be used for social aid and programs, or at best for the progress and development of the country.

In community, family and personal terms, the issue is similarly worrisome because, our budget is also strongly affected by the payment that must be made, due to the high interest charged to us for the debts with the informal lenders, purchases with postponed payments or with credit cards, and the loans that banks give us; and in many sad cases the payment they must make exceeds 35% of the salary received by the worker, with the obvious reduction in the purchase of food, growth, education or to allocate for family savings.


Another issue that causes concern, is that there are thousands of ways to die, so many that for almost any reason we can lose our lives, and as an old adage says: "the miracle is to be alive", because it is 100% sure that one day we will die.

In absolute terms there are 5 large groups, the main causes of deaths in the world: diseases, non-contagious and contagious, accidents, victims of murder, war, problems or suicide and natural or old age (I clarify that the numbers shown are not exact, in fact they are referential).

Approximately 40% of the world population has or will have as a cause of death a non-contagious disease, among which highlight: heart problems or heart disease, brain damage, circulatory, cardiovascular or lung failure, stroke, Epoch, cancer and neoplasms malignant, poor organic function, obstruction or digestive paralysis, liver cirrhosis, diabetes, Alzheimer's and kidney failure, among others.

Similarly, the average number of deaths from contagious diseases is around 30%, with the most common being those of the respiratory tract, such as bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis and influenza; in addition to AIDS (sixth cause of death globally), diarrhea and malaria, parasites and other viruses and bacteria, among many other causes.

As an assessment I must point out that even though the Ebola virus is very lethal, in reality it is not as contagious nor causes as many deaths in the world, in absolute terms, as the diseases or causes previously mentioned.

In a smaller proportion there are accidents in general, located at a value lower than 10%, with almost 3% being deaths due to traffic accidents.

As for murders, conflicts, wars, suicides and famines, although media are very managed, they only represent around 5% (apparently it is a low number, but it is really very high and worrisome because of its connotation).

Finally, barely an approximate 15% can "enjoy" a death by natural cause, especially prosecuted by simple old age.

Overpopulated Planet

It is estimated that starting in 2010, the "global overpopulation" began its critical approach towards the 7 billion people inhabiting the planet Earth, and now it has exceeded the figure of 7,300 million humans, of which a Approximately 50.4% are of the masculine gender and 49.6% are of the feminine gender.

The worst thing about this unofficial information is that it is estimated that before 2050, the poor planet Earth will have to "endure" more than 10 billion people consuming it indiscriminately.

Such population data, when contrasted with the services and resources of the planet, indicate worrisome problems that will arise (in fact, in many countries the difficulties begin to appear), such as the provision of food, drinking water and fuel; In addition to the failures that will arise in terms of transportation, housing, jobs, roads and the final disposal of waste and sewage, coupled with pollution, among other worrying problems.

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