Happiness, Health and Numeral Success, Friend on Steeemit.

Searching in my memory, to try to locate certain special numbers, in my mind appeared as light impact, a notion of almost "playful" analysis, which we did several young people with poor academic preparation, back then and that is more than 25 years ago; occurred in my student days in the School of Physics, Faculty of Sciences, of the Central University of Venezuela (UCV).

I remember that a very special day of April happened, due to the personal connotation, with a strange debate between a very bright and prestigious Doctor in Mathematics and a genius "Summa Cum Laude", but recently graduated from the same school of Mathematics (who was our teacher of Mathematics, in both cases I will omit their names because one of the rules of the game-contest, was to maintain the future anonymity), in challenging dialectic bet with its group of students; who were seen as little ignorant animals, but eager to learn and "absorb" their gigantic knowledge.

The debate of the old gathering, was centered on the divine numerological providence, which implies the existence of God and that in some way can lead to its numerical verification (we agreed not to include or mix in the dialectical numeral, argumentative elements or traditional, historical evidence, religious, biblical, atheist, fanatical or taboo).

In this sense, after the expiration of one week, three initiatives were presented to compete, which I can summarize in three excellent groups of arguments entitled: "Number of God", "Golden Number" and "Divine Numerical Approximation"; and they must be detailed below:

God Number

In the proposal of the Doctor in Mathematics, it was established that the spiritual symbolism of numbers, is the proof of the objective existence of God and is faithfully reflected in the Hebrew alphabet of 22 letters, without vowels (really by synchronism, the proof can be in any alphabet); in which each letter corresponds a progressive "God Number" with its respective meaning and value.

That is, the letters attached to the numbers constitute a clear language emitted by God: "the Word said and did everything out of nothing"; understanding that the design, dynamism, perfection, vitality, action, creation, operation, efficiency and optimization of the ALL, is numeral and alphabetical.

In this sense, every being, object, phenomenon and spirituality created is a word and a number previously designed and designated by God, with the diverse combinations of the universal symphony that God himself directs to his entire satisfaction.

In this same alphanumeric context, can we determine the name of God? The obvious answer is NO, because it is not known with certainty which is the exact "Number of God".

Although many say they know it and mention numbers and names that they say they know for sure; but in the opinion of the wise mathematician, the probably unknown and sacred Name and Number of God, perhaps they are conformed by all the letters that compose the alphabet and by a complex numerical combination associated to the alphabet; But what alphabet? This is one of the human inaccuracies that entangles the mystery.

However, the apparently certain thing is that for this reason, the name of God has multiple ways of revealing itself approximately, not so the "Number of God" (the Tower of Babel?) Perhaps this is the origin of multicultural conflicts about beliefs. about God, his name and real number constituting a great mystery, which are ineffable and ignored in any language and numerical basis, but do exist.

On the other hand, Philosophically the numbers conform realities and symbols that express the nature of things in their own essence, including God as the creator of these numbers as part of the whole, to discover their spiritual and physical reality simultaneously; and even if an enigma related to "seeing to believe" is declared, there will always be proofs of the truth by rational experience, phenomenology, method, wisdom, logic, common sense and tools of verification and access to the very essence of God and his magical number, which implies a reality that goes beyond what appears to be its discussed non-existence.

In fact, each number deciphers a figure that is circumscribed in a hidden secret of the things that reveal themselves, capturing the dynamism of tangible reality and the underlying, along with their physical laws and the invisible or spiritual, but universal all; that they show themselves and at the same time hide in our own conscience and will, to influence our lives and be symbolized in numbers, which coexist in harmony with these universal laws and with God; and although we ignore them, it will always be a divine alphanumeric system that configures the language from which God also speaks to us and directs us with his special numerology.

In this order of ideas, Pythagoras developed a theory of the numerical relation between the planets and God, to infer about a "numerical vibration" of the things he called "music of the spheres". In the same way, he deduced that the words have an oscillating sound with resonance in the frequency of the "Number of God", to harmonize the universe with its laws, mathematics, music and God himself.

In addition, Pythagoras argued that "the world is built by God" and left him submissive "to the power of numbers"; The fact is reaffirmed by exploring the various artistic, scientific, technological and spiritual paths of life itself.

Consequently, we must listen to the numerical concert that God offers us and in turn is in his honor, because each creature contains the "Number of God" with the poetry and sound that pleases God and identifies his secret harmony of communication with HIM.

Because everything has a quantified part of the "Number of God" to represent its color, energy, rhythm, pause, cadence, frequency, vibration, amplitude and wavelength; as an almost perfect combination of that music that governs space and time, the universe and the humans. Because God and his Word generate the numerical reason of the sublime and mirific infinite music of eternal sonority.

To end with the argumentation of the "Number of God", the esteemed Doctor recognizes that only by the Grace of God, the numbers are in each moment of ourselves, both in life and in death; and the whole existence is a gift ciphered by God, in which the numbers have life, spirit and personality, their color, music and design; influential in the destiny of humans, in their behavior and in the evolution of their own history, with their own alphabet and a miraculous number that only God knows.

Golden Number

For the other part, the proposal of our Great Professor of Mathematics, was based on the "Golden Number" or divine proportion; which is represented by the Greek letter f or phi, expressed as an irrational number and valued by the following mathematical equation:

This irrational algebraic number whose decimal representation has no period and is infinite digits, has mystical and interesting properties, by its relation or proportion between two segments of a line, in geometric constructions and in nature, which makes it presume, as a "number used by God" during creation.

The students of the subject have found this numerical proportion (1.61803398874988 ...) in the ribs of the leaves and in the thickness of the branches of the trees, in the joints and translation appendages (legs) of the animals, in the carapace of the snail, in the flowers and especially in the sunflowers and in the layers of the subsoil, among others.

On the other hand, it has been found that one of the most curious arithmetic properties of the "Golden Number", is a numerical series that preserves the decimal quantity intact, starting with its inverse (1/F = 0.61803398874988 ...), follows the original "golden number" (F = 1.61803398874988 ...), then its square (FxF = 2.61803398874988 ...) and subsequently other operations, which generate the numbers 3, 4, 5 and so on in its entire part, but maintaining the same infinite decimal figures.

According to our Professor of Mathematics, the divine connotation of the "Golden Number" comes as proof of the existence of God and his self-appointed function as Architect, Scientist and Engineer perfect for the creation of all things, based on this relationship of proportionality, attributed to a perfect and aesthetic character when creating everything with measures that maintain the proportion of gold.

Therefore, the "Golden Number" has a mystical importance, in the belief that God developed that number as part of its perfection; and for that reason, it has also been used by famous artists in the design of important architectural works and in dazzling works of art.

Divine Numerical Approximation

The proposal made by us "boys of the class", was oriented to build a number that means a lot to life or is considered content in everything that exists in the universe. After many debates, in consensus we managed to find an irrational number that we call "Divine Numerical Approximation" (DNA); which was represented by its acronym DNA, expressed as an irrational number and valued by the following mathematical expression:

The referred irrational algebraic number of decimal character that has no period and with infinite digits, also has interesting mystical and constructive properties that were enunciated by items.

Who was responsible for explaining our proposal was one of my best friends, a genius of Physics, who took us three semesters and graduated two years before most of us, with the highest honors of "Magna Cum Laude" (unfortunately he died while doing his doctorate in Europe and after a fatal accident with skis in the Swiss Alps, so he could not develop his genius as a scientist, as he was boosted that one day he would receive a great international prize, perhaps the Nobel Physics, because he was really a gifted. To this day I am still saddened by his death and I regret the enormous loss to the world of such a brilliant human).

Below, the general features of the arguments we issue, to defend our proposal:

.- It was created based on odd numbers to represent the principle of identity, reliability, indivisibility, nature, simplicity, justice, equality, perseverance and commitment.

.- In the same way, it is based on even numbers, to express duality, multiplicity, divisibility, couple union, composition, love, variety, honesty, fluency, friendship, lightness and continuous improvement.

.- It was oriented to be inclusive, to symbolize the creation of God, around the beauty of numbers, perfection and mathematical aesthetics, which can arise in their possible combinations of odd and even elements.

.- Add, subtract, multiply and divide 2 and 3, contained in the "Divine Numerical Approximation", generates any other prime number and any number series, even or odd, including Fibonacci and Fourier (even more if they are competed with pi, the square and cubic roots, which are also included).

.- It is the basis of trigonometry (in terms of the number Pi), of the exponentials (in use of the number e), of the radicals (root), the whole numbers, the rational, irrational, imaginary reals and in general of the complex numbers.

.- It has a direct relationship with Classical Physics, with Quantum Physics, with Special Relativity and particle wave duality of nature or universe in motion.

.- It is presented as a numerical proportion of almost all the components that can be linked in nature.

.- For the above and for many other reasons, it is inferred that if this is not by itself a quantum value order of the "Number of God", sure must be an approximation of it.

To everyone's surprise, this novel approach very well argued, explained and debated was the winner by unanimous decision of all teachers consulted.

In fact both our professor and the Doctor generators of the "great battle numeral", were completely in agreement with the decision because they thought the proposal was brilliant and innovative exaggerating (they clarified that their proposals were not original and ours was), all if it came from a group of boys with incipient Mathematical and Philosophy knowledge.

Source of Images: https://giphy.com

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