LIA - Find the Good Moments in a Day

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(Source - personal photo edited in Canva)

I came across this quote yesterday when I was very busy and as I was putting it - "not having a good day". It reminded me that I was putting the entire day into a specific bucket and calling it "bad" just from only a few moments of it.

Every day may not be good… but there’s something good in every day.
    - Alice Morse Earle, American Historian

I was really glad to come across this quote because there are times when this happens and we forget that there was a lot more that happened during the day than just a "bad moment". How many times have you stated you had a bad day when really it was only just maybe just one hour of the whole 24 hour period that seemed bad to you.

I think we all do this at times, but it is very important to remember there are good moments in those days as well. Most of the time if we just thing about the day, we can easily and quickly identify those good moments. Other times it might take a few moments but we find the good in the day eventually.

My reason for bringing this to everyone's attention is to change how we look at our days and start looking at them from a positive prospective instead of what "bad" thing may have occured. I bet if we do this, the next time someone asked how your day is going you will be able to honestly state that you are having "Good Moments" if you are not able to say your are having a "Good Day"

Larry Is Alive Contest

There are several programs that are part of the Larry is Alive Contest. You can do one or more of them to be able to qualify for draw tickets.

You can earn ALIVE and CTP delegation for one month in a daily drawing by participating.
For more information on LarryIsAlive adventures look at the post:
Introducing The New Larry Is Alive Contest.

ListNerds Proof of Work

ListNerds if you are not a member you can click the banner below. From the inbox you need to click on 10 emails to qualify for 1 ticket and show proof of your work.

ListNerds Proof of work.PNG

LeadsLeap Proof of Work

Leads Leap, again if you are not a member you can click on the banner below. Once inside you will need to click on 10 Ads to qualify for 1 ticket and show a screen show from the dashboard displaying the clicks and date.

LeadsLeap Proof of Work.PNG

Infinity Traffic Boost Proof of Work

Infinity Traffic Boost, click on the banner to join. You will need to surf 10 sites to qualify for 1 ticket and show a screen shot from the dashboard like or after you complete the 10 site

Infinity Traffic Boost Proof of Work.PNG

CTPX Proof of Work

CTPX is the newest product of the CTP family offerings. It is a Content Discovery Traffic Exchange that awards CTP tokens a ticket that is drawn every hour. To get a ticket, you just need to surf 10 sites during that hour but you can earn as many tickets as you would like per hour for an even greater chance to win the CTP tokens.

CTPX proof of work.PNG

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