Communications with the dead

Well, let's just start at the start. First there was my father. Then there was my mother. They met, had intercourse, the result is typing these words now. So, we can skip all that. My father took a flu shot every year, because once he didn't, and that's when he got really ill. He did not realize it was just his body cleaning itself from all the poisons they had shot into him. So he decided never to skip another poisonous injection again. And I think that's how he died. I think there was graphene oxide in the 2019 flu shots.
His legs started to hurt, he couldn't walk anymore. Doc said it was caused by smoking, my father quit smoking, and two months later he was dead. He died in March 2020. It was not any virus, viruses do not exist. Research the Rosenau experiment if you still believe in viruses.

Musical intermission: Herman Brood - Still Believe

One or two months after my father died, I had a dream, or it was what we would call a dream. In some languages there is a separate word for it. This dream was real. I walked into my father's living room, as I usually did, when he was still alive. He was waiting there for me. Some familiar furniture was there. The rest was left blank, which turned out to be white. First I asked him how I should remember this. I was sleeping, and I knew I was sleeping, so how was I going to remember? Well, my father would take care of that, he said.

Then I asked him about the pain he had always complained about, in his right knee. I asked him to make me feel his pain. He looked surprised: "You want to feel my pain?" "Well, yeah", I said, "now that it's possible!"
Somehow I knew he could make me feel his pain.
"For 10 or 15 minutes, some time when I wake up." "You can handle 15 minutes", he said complacently gloating. He left a little bit of money. I think we talked about that. The rest was not really relevant. I could have asked him anything, but I didn't. I was just curious what he had been complaining about all those years.

About a week later I woke up with this inexplicable pain in my right knee. I did not immediately remember the dream. So I was totally puzzled, I did not comprehend how this pain came into my knee. Until it suddenly just stopped. It had lasted about 10 minutes.
Gradually I started to remember the dream, over the period of about a week.

This experience taught me so much about life in between lives, and more. My father was gloating, probably because he realized what I had asked. What I had asked for was not only to feel his pain, but also validation of what I thought to be true, that consciousness won't stop being conscious, and a lot of other things. From that dimension, they can make you feel pain, and so they can take pain away. All you have to do is ask, and if karma allows, your pain will be gone, theoretically.

By the way, this was my father, around 1955. Please do not use this photograph for any purpose other than to save our species from extinction in emergency situations.

So, I think I asked to see him somehow, rather than the other way around. Because, he seemed not to know what I wanted to ask him. So it must have been my initiative. Later I tried to speak with an acquaintance of mine who had recently died. I remember seeing him in a 'dream'. He said: "Not now". He didn't have time for me. But I did get to see him, after he died. How did I do that, I still don't know. I think I must have set the intention. I was not aware of setting any intentions, but that must be what happened. I set the intention to speak with the deceased in a dream. The dream happens to be real.

What more did I learn? Well, subconsciously, we know everything. We know all truths, but we can't see.
My father used to say, quoting Cicero: "All I know for sure is that I know nothing for sure."

I probably forgot a couple of things I wanted to write about this. I'll add those in replies to this post, whenever they come to mind.

Thanks a lot for reading.
Your time is precious.
I hope you learned something new.

Have a wonderful evening!

Best regards,


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