Learn To Draw With Friends - Week Five! - #ltdwf! - 45 SBD in Prizes To Be Won!!

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mage Credit - Week One Winner - @w0olf!

Welcome everyone, to week five of 'Learn To Draw With Friends!'

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Last week was another amazing week for the contest with some absolutely stunning entries and process posts to compliment them. Our guest judge, @steempowerpics had an extremely difficult time choosing his winners due to the incredible standard of ability and skill that was displayed by everyone who entered. Some of the process posts were absolutely brilliant and a few have been very well rewarded for their efforts in this regard. I very much hope that you all continue to be rewarded for your efforts in posting quality content on the platform! :)

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And now to this weeks Guest Judge!!!


Our guest judge this week will be @son-of-satire and the theme he has chosen is....


As always we have chosen three images, Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced. All you have to do is choose the image you think suits your own skill level and have a go at drawing it.

It couldn't be easier! :)

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Beginner! - Super Mario!

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Intermediate! - Crash Bandicoot!

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Advanced! - Streetfighter!

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The Rules!!

Your entry must be one of the three images above!

You must resteem and upvote this post for your entry to be valid!

You must post your entry in the comments section of this post for it to be a valid entry! It must be visible for others to see and upvote!

It must be visible!

All entries must be accompanied by a process post with at least 6 pictures and you must include a link in the comments section of this post! It must also include the hashtag #ltdwf as one of the tags.

You can enter up to three times. Once per category. Each entry must be posted individually!


The contest will close after the seven day reward period!

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**The prize pool for this week will be 45 SBD!!

1st Place will Receive 15 SBD

2nd Place will receive 10 SBD

3rd Place will receive 5 SBD

And as always, there will be 5 runner up prizes of 1 SBD each!!

There will also be a 5 SBD prize paid to the contestant who I feel produces the best process post and as well as this @merej99 has very generously offered once again to award a prize of 5 SBD to be chosen by the randomizer. When the contest has closed all entrants names for this week will be put into the randomizer and one lucky entrant will receive 5 SBD direct from @merej99!

Thank you so much again Meredith! :)

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So, there we go! Week five is up and running and both myself and our special Guest Judge are looking forward to receiving your entries. I hope you all have a great time taking part and encourage you to support each other and leave feedback for the other entries as well as taking the time to visit their process posts and voting for the ones you like. :[)

I would also like to encourage everyone to check out some of the other fantastic art contests taking place right now on steemit including some organised by Learn To Draw With Friends contestants from previous weeks including @kristyglas's Dragon Art Contest, @oceansoul13's Tiny Art Contest and @juliakponsford's Art Explosion Contest!! These are all fantastic and fun contests also and definitely worth checking out.

As always, I hope everyone is having an excellent day!!! :[)

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Image Credits

Mario - Nintendo.com

Crash Bandicoot - vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net

Streetfighter - Space.ca

Bill and Ted Gif - mediagiphy

Page dividers by @kristyglas and @concept. Thank you both!

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Banner by @son-of-satire!

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