Arrogant is Not Human Nature

Having abundant wealth, and a high position is the dream of every human being, yet there is one thing that becomes human nature when having it all, that is pride or high-heartedness. This nature hangs on people who feel they already have everything, so that without realizing it, he also lowered others with his words or deeds.

The notion of arrogance or arrogance is feeling that he is much better than others, so he sees others as low, despicable and so on. This nature seems to have rooted in humans, in the future as it is today. many people who honestly say they boast about themselves are commonplace. This is because of their wealth and intelligence, so it is very reasonable to boast.

Pride is also not merely boasting what he possessed by material, but today there are many servants of God, boasting themselves, as if they were more holy than anyone. This is called spiritual pride. Spiritual pride means boasting him, with religious appeal. Even with these attributes, they can easily judge others who are not deigned in their eyes.

Spiritually arrogant people usually always want to compare their spiritual growth with others, as if more religious and faithful than others, not unashamedly sometimes they want to show how spiritually they are with the people around them.

Thus, it is necessary to remember that pride is the beginning of destruction, the proof of this is the biblical story of King Nebuchadnezzar who fell into the sin of pride because of the wealth and power he possessed, but in the end he fell down even in such a way.

Therefore, it is better to avoid the pride rooted in us, but try to introspect yourself not to get caught up with that humble attitude. And most important and always remember to ask the wisdom of God to keep away from the sense of pride.

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