Old school mindsets in a new age frame

Today I went for lunch with a very dear friend and his own little one. We often carry on with any number of subjects that are within our field of reference and understanding. Which I believe are outside the normal frame of popularity.

We came to the topic of feminism in the age we live. How important it is for us to have the extremists on both sides of the table. How great it is to be a part of a society that is able to be heard, and frame our thoughts and ideas in ways that matter to us individually.

The thought is really a simple one. And one that has becomijg resoundingly more and more obvious to me since my time spent in Mexico during the end of the world. As explained to us in the tzolkin calendar. A coming of light. The end of the exhale from that pendulum swing of the patriarchal age we are now able to turn ourselves away from. And steer ourselves inwardly as we breathe I'm the good stuff and share our inner workings on a more open platform.

The opportunity to be heard openly, and acknowledged on a more open basis, allowing ourselves the space to share our thoughts and feelings on new levels that are perpetually rekeyed by that continual development we are able to sense in ways that may not have been possible in the times that approached this point.

The subjugation or belittle meant of women and our native/aboriginal/indigenous/(your preferred accepted descriptive) or minorities has been obvious for years, and is now important for us to move away from. Bring healing and hold space for the ones we may learn the most from. That have developed unimaginably deep coping mechanisms that many if not all of us are unaware of as a result of having been bred into the system around us.

Breathe life into the acceptable tolerances that have held us from the universal space that binds us and holds us together as family. Whether we acknowledge these things or not, they exist in one respect or another. It's the same things that keep us apart in alot of ways that also hold us together. And this is not necessarily the way things will always be.

Heck, I may wake up tomorrow and think to myself. Hot damn, what was I thinking? It's our perspective that sets the stage for the world around us. Or so we lead ourselves to believe. Which in itself is an illusion. But helps us to feel comfortable or imbalanced depending on how we choose to view it.

By no means, do I ever wish to alienate myself from the standard norms of any society. But it's senseless for me to act like I am a part of it. My life has always been one that is challenged. Growing up as a nerd. Playing dungeons and dragons. Coding encrypting video gaming little fat kid I was. I've been the same weight I am now since I was 8 years old. So, really. I know what it's like. To now, being one of a very small number of white men at a pow wow. Dancing my style. In a culture I have been respecting and empowering myself through for just more than two years now. Dancing at a sundance for as many years. We all move through stages.

It's in my thoughts and beliefs that we have to come through that dense haze that's been laid out by our ancestors and come to a place where we respect one another for the gifts that we bring. The stories that we share. The tears that we cry. And the compassion that we hold for the ones we love. And allow our wn understanding from that place of knowing to the best of our abilities to release that ego. Not to judge one another. Not to lay blame. Or shake a stick at someone for their own short comings. Deep down I believe alot of us are doing the best that we can, that we know inside we need to be a part of the solution. Or we will be a part of the problem.

Giving into the belief that we cannot do anything better. Releasing control into the hands of the corporation is what's killing our planet. It's what is killing ourselves. Fighting one another on our personal beliefs. Without holding that space? We can do so much better.

So, I will continue in my journey. And look for signs in the world around me. Thank you so much for listening and hearing me out.

As ever, please do share your thoughts. Aggressions. Passions. Or other emotions that are sparked as you read my words. I love you, whoever you are.

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