Loving Fi

Hi sweetheart Fi

Due to some issues I have to do this writing a short period of time so I cannot express my self well

You're girly,sweet and a good listener though you're a bit shy
I love your voice sometimes makes me wonder if you're really a guy
You're a good writer and very emotional.

Thanks for being a part of my life and for all the advise and motivational speeches.

Dunno if you are quick to fall in love but if I take it as a task you're sure gonna fall.😍😍😍

I wanna be drown in your love.

Am out of words and my battery is bery low.

Its Valentine's day and I love u but Jesus love u more

Keep the via burningπŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯
Okay bye
Valentine is a period of showing love,do what i asked you to do yesterday oh.

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