Project loveletters #19 – Her letter


Noordwijkerhout, 8 mei ‘79,

Dear Jesus:

First of all I must thank you for the beautifull cards. I like them very much. I want to send you too such things, but I think you don’t like them as much as I do and we haven’t got such cards in Holland. I don’t know what I can send you.

You said your sorry because you not wrote me last time. But, Jesus, I must say I’m sorry. I did not wrote you the last time. I have got many things to do, like my hobby’s, volleyball and now mine sister is marry. I go there every thursday. Not going to my boy-friend, I told you about. That has already finish, about a month ago. That boy was too young for me and he was more interested in his boy-friends.

About volleyball: This year in September I’m going to play competition (you understand?) Now I still only training every thuesday. One day we have had a tournament, for if you not understand, that is one day playing several matches and at the last play the final. Well, we did that for the first time and we did win. We were very pleased and proud. Now we have got again a tournement in August. But then in Belgium. I can’t go than because I’m on holiday in August. I found it a pitty.

I said I was not coming to Spain. But we planned another holiday. Now I go with Lyda and her girl-friend. We go to Salou in a hotel. My other sister has been there last year. She said it was very beautifull there. I only hope the weather is better than here in Holland. It is May now, and still I have got a shawl round my neck when I ride to my work on the bicycle.


This year we have had maybe one week good weather. It is still very cold, 9 degrees. I hope it soon gets better. How is the weather in Spain?

What are you alone in Paris and why are you satisfied being there alone? I don’t know if you already have got your examens, but is that not so, I wish you lot of success.

With love,



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Disclaimer: These letters are copied as is. I understand they have many grammatical errors, but my parents did not have google translator, and relied on dictionaries to translate their thoughts. Any marks on the letters are made by them to help them understand the letters. Note: I also might covered their signature for protection.

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