Project loveletters #17 – His letter


II-15-79. Madrid,

Muy dear Irene:

I hope you’re right when receiving this letter.

The first thing I want to tell you is, that my father was in the hospital during ten days. He was very ill, and it turned out to be pneumonia. Mind you ¡What a scare! But he’s at last at house, (thank god), already.

I know I could answer you before, but all this problems kept me very busy. So, that is the reason, by WHICH I didn’t do it sooner.

In the picture you send me, it’s visible the LYDA’s hair style. But I go on telling you I prefer girls with long hair. I don’t care about the style. (This is the way I think).

How-ever I like you.

If you can study English, don’t lose any time. Girl. Do it. Over all is better English and after French.

But spanish…, forget it. Is as difficult for you as Holland is for me.

I’ve some tests soon. For example


in April. I will go to Reus (Tarragona) To try to pass one. And in the end June and the First July two more. In Zaragoza and after in Granada (citys). All of them are Public Examinations to be come a professional militer.

About the answer I asked you, you were wright, as I only wanted to know whether you were in love. Every persons loves each other, even without knowing.

Yesterday was Sant Valentine’s day in Spain. I felt quite along. You know everybody is looking for love, and I feel like loving a girl. But always the same problem arrives to me. I’ve no time to look for love or to enjoy myself. Any way I’m ok by this way for now.

I will try to splain you about my English. My best friend is the diccionary except in the last letter, and even in this one too, that are being revised by Julio. (He’s from Madrid, and he’s a good friend). He finish your service Militer in March. I don’t.

The more I learn English, the more I forget french. I never study French already.

Changing of matter,


I wish to ask you something.

When are you having Holidays?

(Because Maybe, it’s going to be impossible for me to go to Carihuela this summer and I thought I could go over your country for a few days). Do you understand now?

I want to meet you egain. But I know nor where neither when. Then, if you are in holidays and I am too,I’m likely to go and meet you there. (this is the other way).

Now Here in Madrid, it is very cold. It’s so cold. But there isn’t snow, laying on all the streets. It’s raining only.

Well I think for this time, I’m finishing the letter.

I am 16 days younger than you are. For that, you’re an old-girl. (I’m a very young man). Do you agree me?

Hasta la próxima vez! (Until next time)
Tot de volgende keer

Veel liefs


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Letter #1 | Letter #2 | Letter #3 | Letter #4 | Letter #5 | Letter #6
Letter #7 | Letter #8 | Letter #9 | Letter #10 | Letter #11 | Letter #12
Letter #13 | Letter #14 | Letter #15 | Letter #16

Disclaimer: These letters are copied as is. I understand they have many grammatical errors, but my parents did not have google translator, and relied on dictionaries to translate their thoughts. Any marks on the letters are made by them to help them understand the letters. Note: I also might covered their signature for protection.



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