The Love It/Shove It Challenge (by @snowpea)

Image Source: Elegant Themes

I got nominated by @heartscally to continue with the #loveitshoveit challenge created by @snowpea. It's an interesting challenge where it can help all of us to get to know each other better(Sometimes it even makes us know ourselves better as we write this). As for me who don't really blog much(cause I'm not a natural blogger lol), this is a good idea for me to write.

The rules of Love It/Shove It are:

  1. List 5 things that you love.

  2. List 5 things that you dislike.

  3. Use the tag loveitshoveit

  4. You can tag more than 5 person to continue with the challenge(If not, then at least 5 person will do hehe)

To be honest, it's kinda hard to pick which one to really talk about since there's a lot of things that I love and shove. I'll just go with what comes on my mind there and then. Without further ado, let's proceed.

Source: Thinkstock Images

NUMBER 1. Spending quality time together with family and friends
Image Source: Huffington Post

Over the course of being an outright rebellious kid throughout the end of my teenage years, I don't spend much time with my family back then, and I was only spending time with friends back then who ends up most of them are not in my life right now. Ever since I left home to further my studies and up until now since I entered adulthood and working path of my life, I value and appreciate even more the importance of spending quality time with my family and friends. I'm not talking about hi-bye-friends or friends who only appear on your social media status and updates. I'm referring to friends who I can really count on when I'm on a down hill and celebrate each other on our highest times', friends that I can share bits and pieces of my life with, and friends that will uplift one another and pray for each other.

NUMBER 2. Scrambled eggs
Image Source: Taste Hong Kong

As a person, I may have develop several desire over different types of food as I grow up, but scrambled eggs are my all-time favorite dish ever since I'm a little kid. The only ones that know about this real well about me are my family members. Make it a plain scrambled egg with some salt, or add it with snake beans(which is one of the specialty dish my mum cooks and I LOVE IT), or mix it with luncheon meat, or bitter gourd, or aaaaaaany other types of food mixtures you could think of, YOU NAME IT! I EAT IT! :P

NUMBER 3. Chocolates
Image Source: Fortune

Honestly, I thank God for the creation of Chocolates hahahahahaha!! In my dictionary, Chocolate in itself is basically a realm in between heaven and earth I call Paradise. LOLOL! Many people say that guys don't eat much chocolate as girls (not according to studies, only by public perception) where in this case I'm an exception. I eat lots of chocolate when I was a kid, but not anymore right now(my current body size is the accumulation of chocolates I've ate for the past 20 years HAHAHAHA I'm joking :P). I prefer milk chocolate cause it is less heaty to the body compared with dark chocolate cause it makes my body heaty by just consuming a little bit of it. Although generally, excessive consumption of it gives your body loads of problem(that applies to all different sorts of food too, doesn't it?) From chocolate cakes, to chocolate bars, to chocolate ice cream, to even chocolate fountains, YOU NAME IT, I EAT IT! :P ohhhhhh la la~

NUMBER 4. Being kind
Image Source: Etsy

Above all other "Love It" list, THIS is what I genuinely love! My core value and the code that I live by, even way before I accepted Christ into my life. It's not a trait that I learned from my parents but rather to say that it is something embedded within me. I only found this trait being awakened is when I saw how one act of kindness instantly changes the heart of people be it in television or real life. I'm glad that it's awakened when I was real young. Even one kind word can change someone's entire day. Kind words are like honey, sweet to the soul and healthy for the body (Proverbs 16:24). Ever since I was a kid, I always believed that being kind is something deeper than just "being nice" to people. It goes way down to the sewers or places where people do not want to go into, a place deep within where making very tough and strong choice are made. Being kind means enabling yourself being looked as silly, and at the same time being honest. All the while I walk the path of being ridiculed, unappreciated and mocked by being kind to people, even my family and friends scold me for being too kind to people. I know their intentions and concerns over me, but I don't blame them for do not understand either. While I know there are reasons why being kind-hearted attracts toxic people(Which I will not enter further into this topic for now. Probably will cover this specific topic only when someone request of this), I always choose to be kind despite being misused or mistreated. There's a saying that "When given the choice between being right or being kind, choose kind." Being right didn't ever change the heart or mind of another person, being kind is.

NUMBER 5. Staring at the sunset at the beach
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Image taken from my own phone

Up until few years ago that I only appreciate doing this. My hometown is at Sabah, where the best sunsets you'll ever get to see when you're at places like Tanjung Aru, Kota Kinabalu. But too bad I'm not from KK. Hahahahah!! There's something about sunsets and beach that calms my heart down after having a whole mountain of emotions going on in me. I always get to find a sense of peace within after looking at the waves of the ocean and gazing through the beauty of the sunset. I thank God for painting such beautiful creation for us to enjoy and savor. Looking and listening at the waves of the ocean makes me re-evaluate a lot of bad things that I am overwhelmed with, making me realize that my own problem isn't as big as the ocean wave. Although looking at the sunset sometimes gives me a somber-type of feeling, it makes me remember that even though there may be pain in the night, but joy comes in the morning. One of the things that I'm thankful after staying at Penang for around 1 year+++ is THIS. Sometimes during my off days, I would purposely drive all the way to Batu Feringgi from my living place(it takes around an hour drive if I go through town area) just to enjoy the short time of just looking at the sunset and being at the beach.

Allllllllllllllllrighty, now that I'm done with 5 things that I love, coming up next are the 5 THINGS THAT I SHOVE(BEWARE OF BLUNT STATEMENTS. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED):
Image Source: Meme Generator


NUMBER 1. Self-obssesed/people who have high sense of self-entitlement

Why do I mix 2 different ways and patterns into one thing? It is something that if not everyone, then most people could actually relate to. If there are similarities in this 2 patterns, it is the fact that people who have these patterns normally have the trait to only think of their own selves and have a set of mentality that everything in the world revolves around them and them ONLY and that they deserve to get certain thing without putting any single effort into it. I do not like people who spill their self-obsessed-BS and life problems to me when A.) We're not really close friends, B.) I didn't ask things about you, C.) Unless you were to ask me nicely(AT LEAST, do have the COURTESY to even ASK and for that I will applaud for your character and really WILL listen to you). Sometimes people say that I'm a very-hard-to-approach-to-person because I display a certain "aura" that is very VERY reluctant to listen to bullshit. I don't blame them for looking at me that way because for a certain extent it is true, but it doesn't validate the fact that I'm a good listener and I will listen to you only if you were to have the COURTESY to ask me(don't worry, I won't bite okay). Besides, if us being friends is just you treating me like a garbage can where the first thing you talk about when you come to me is to bombard me with your self-obsessed-BS and life problems, the likelihood of me hurting you unconsciously is very high. I will either ignore you straight-up or just tell straight to your face "Listen man, I don't wanna hear your grandma stories" which these kind of situation happens to all of us. Everything in this world does not revolve around ourselves only. Plus, you have to put in your own effort be it big or small in order to get something that you want in life. "Getting what you have right now is a privilege, NOT an entitlement." I would say this that applies to everything else in this world except for God's love and blessings for you and me which we do not need to strive for. :)

NUMBER 2. People who are being dishonest
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Image Source: Sarcastic Truth

One of the major letdown for me is people who are being dishonest. I hate the fact when people try to tell me one thing and does the otherwise. Imagine having a friend who tells you that he's in a relationship(I'm really happy for him btw!) and all of a sudden after that he tells you that actually he's not in a relationship but he's actually courting a girl who's currently in a relationship with another person. To me, I couldn't care less any of the girls he's interested in and wants to go after. Although this is another person's matter, but it really ticks me off when I see people not being honest with what they do or what they say. He can just tell me in the first place that he's going for a person who's currently in a relationship, at least from there I would understand where he's coming from. What pissed me off is the act of him telling me one thing but actually does the otherwise. This is not just a matter of personality, it's a matter of character. The similar incident also happened when I joined an audition for singing competition few years ago, I passed the audition(I really got the green light from the judges) and was waiting at a small area reserved for contestants who passed the audition, and all of a sudden one of the staff told me that I actually didn't pass that I actually got a red light. So please, if you have anything to tell me, just tell me anything as it is.

NUMBER 3. Being mistreated or misused.
Image Source: Pinterest

As much as I hate to admit it, I'm already used to it. Even so, kindness is NEVER a WEAKNESS! In this cruel reality we're living in, there is an unspoken motto of "every man for himself". No matter in any place of the society that you are in, people will never pity you when you are down rock bottom. I hate the fact that I always get mistreated and misused when all I did was being kind to others. Getting cheated, getting preyed on to meet their own needs etc etc. Pfft! All these stuff... Sometimes I even ask myself what did I do to deserve all this, but I still chose to be kind anyways because I know ultimately The Person whom I'm serving to. While everyone you meet is fighting a battle that you know nothing about. Be kind, always. If you can't be kind, BE QUIET. Therefore, NEVER mistake my kindness as WEAKNESS. Besides, when you feel like you lose everything in life, kindness is all you can get from another person(IF they have any).

NUMBER 4. Cockroaches
Image Source: Better Homes And Gardens

Up until now, cockroaches are a big fat NO to me. Imagine when it spread it wings and fly around the house(HOLY SHET I FEEL LIKE BURNING THE WHOLE HOUSE DOWN). My dad has a fish back at home and it's called an Arowana(you can Google it up and see what Arowana really is). I still remember that my during secondary school my dad used to call me to accompany him to go around the market area at our hometown to catch cockroaches cause the Arowana at home only eats living cockroaches, not dead ones. We catch it with our bare hands only, BARE HANDS. So yeah there goes how disgusting it is. I've seen a variety of sizes of cockroaches in my life and those that are in the market hiding and crawling everywhere was a terror to my life. I was dying deep inside imagining I have to catch it with my bare hands omg. I was very reluctant to catch it so I always tell my dad that I'll be in charge of holding the big box tray and he'll do the catching. I did some catchings before and slipped a few that goes inside my clothes and made me did the cockroach-in-my-body dance like an idiot and end up getting screwed by my dad saying I'm a coward. -.- Sorry man, I just don't get along with cockroaches. Never was and never will. Nope.

NUMBER 5. Not being appreciated
Image Source: Funny & Happy

I don't do things because I'm desperate for being appreciated. That's not how the way I do things. I don't get too enthusiastic about this matter and I don't deliberately show this side of me. But sometimes it does feel good when someone else notices you and what you did and gives you compliments or hugs and tells you that you've done a really good job over the things you do, even if it is the most subtlest thing you did. It feels good to be appreciated because of both who you are as a person and also because of what you do. and it is really not a pleasant thing when you don't get appreciated. It makes you question and evaluate a lot of things deep within yourself. One thing I can relate of is when I'm performing on stage. It's not that I live for their applauses, but it somehow doesn't give you any drive when you hear no one appreciates you at all. Have I been there? I did. Many times.

That's all I can think of for my #loveitshoveit challenge! Thank you for reading my post today! :)

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To those listed below, TAG! YOU'RE IT!
@alimamasstory @bethrao @rayraymy @iamjadeline @happycrazycon

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