Love It or Shove It Challenge

So I got a prompt from the fiery @eaglespirit on this challenge and you know I got her back always!



  • List five things that you say "Love It!"

  • List five things that you just really want to say "Shove It!."

  • Use the tag #loveitshoveit.

Tag five people to participate, but anyone can join in.

My five are @ankarlie, @mers, @evecab, @moneyinfant, @cryptosharon


1. Coffee


I love the smell of that first cup of coffee in the mornings. When it starts to boil over at the right temperature and the aroma fills the kitchen. You have to breathe deeply and savor the moment. Then you take that first sip and know that no matter what lies ahead you have the energy to go through it.

2. Books


I am a certified bibliophile. I love the smell of paper. I love the feel of a book as you hold it. I love the way that it transports you to faraway lands full of magic, adventure, romance or wonders that science still thinks is fiction.

Your mind becomes richer with the knowledge and information it holds making you a better person.

3. Food


My social media accounts are full of just food that people have threatened to unfriend and unfollow because I am hell on their diets.

I love anything fresh, fried, boiled, baked or steamed. I like sour, hot, savory and sweet food. I am pretty adventurous in food and willing to try anything once. I pretty much have an iron stomach when it comes to food and somehow have not fallen deadly ill yet.

4. The Doggy


How can you not love that face!!! MonMon is such a rascal that he'll jump on your lap, lick your face and steal that bacon that you were saving and run off to his crate. When you get to his crate he will give you that sad puppy dog look.

Then your heart melts and you just hug and play with him.

5. Women


I know that ES was baiting for this one haha. I love the women! I like appreciating good looking women and being surrounded by pretty girls. I started having girlfriends at the early age of four years old and will continue loving women.

That is why I need to power up and be a sugar dolphin like Undie! I need to be supporting some pretty ladies in this platform!

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Okay so enough of the lovey-dovey as this is the part I just want to whack it with a light saber or force choke someone.

1. People with Superiority Complex


So there are some individuals who have an over the top assessment of themselves that they feel vastly superior to other people. They put people down, they are condescending and fault finding and think that the only opinion that matters are theirs.

Instead of putting people and their abilities down then they should be helping them rise up. That feeling of exclusivity is just wrong for me.

These are the people I want to force choke and then give a high five to the face with a steel chair.

2. Slow internet speed in the Philippines


I hate the slow internet speed and crappy IT infrastructure here in the Philippines. It costs an arm and a leg to get fast internet and yet your ping rate is still high and you get salty gamers blaming you for feeding the enemy all because you lagged at that crucial moment.

To the duopoly of Globe and PLDT I want to shove it where the sun does not shine and tell you to screw yourselves for lining your pockets and stopping other telco providers from entering the country.

3. Avocados



I know I said that I love food right but somehow I would shove Avocadoes away. Ever since a child, I have never liked the taste, texture, and smell of Avocadoes.

I remember being fed that as a snack with milk and brown sugar and I just couldn't swallow it. I'll eat worms, grasshoppers and, even snake meat and blood but I just can't eat Avocados.

4. People who are cruel to animals especially dogs



I cannot abide to see animals, especially dogs being maltreated. When I see people who drag their dogs or kick them I always speak up. I have been called a busybody because of the attitude but if you can't take care of your dog then don't have one.

When I see people hurt their pets I just want to shove them to incoming traffic.

5. FUD



Don't you just hate it when you look at your portfolio and it's all in the red. You lost almost half of your value. Even up to as much as 80% in some and you are just HODLing because if you sell now then it is truly a loss.

You just want to Shove this FUD going on and hope that everything will start climbing again.

So those are the five Love it and Shove it things that I have. Thank you ES for this nomination and it was really fun.

This is also the first post that I will have that I won't be upvoting myself and see how it will affect my rewards. It would mean though that I can upvote more people. Good luck to me then haha.

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