Love it / shove it challenge

@jefpatat was nominated and nominated me

Here are the rules:
List five things that you love
List five things that you really dislike
Use the tag #loveitshoveit
Tag five people or more to participate, but anyone can join in.

Five things I love

  1. My family - Of course I love my family, but not everyone is blessed to have one so it is worth pointing out. In "family" I include my furry family (ie. pets) who I adore also. 2018-04-17 14.27.18.jpg2018-04-17 11.58.31.jpg
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  2. My friends - As a shy introvert, I don't make friends easily, and as I will explain below, I am not super easy to get along with, so I appreciate my friends very much.
  3. My country - I was fortunate to be born in Canada, one of the best places on earth to live (official!) 2018-04-14 11.55.13.jpg
  4. My work - We all have good days and bad but most of the time I love my job and the people I work with. I especially appreciate that since 2005 I have been able to work from home and make my own hours. This has meant being able to attend all the important family events and appointments, and see a lot of my kid. No commute!
  5. My hobbies - Hobbies keep me kind of sane. Anyone who follows me will have seen I am a maker and might have seen some of my artwork.

List five things that you really dislike

  1. Anxiety and panic attacks - My wife, my daughter, and I all suffer from anxiety and panic attacks. They suck. One of the worst things though is the people, especially people in authority such as schools, not having any empathy about it. Fortunately when we moved to Canada my daughters experience at school was 1000% better than her teachers treated her in the UK, and I am grateful for that. Interesting that @jefpatat also listed this one.
  2. Bullies and cheats - I can't stand bullies. Getting involved when I see someone being bullied has gotten me into more trouble than anything else. Unfortunately I see people who attack the weak, are dishonest, or nasty repeatedly succeed in life.
  3. Driving - As I mentioned above, I work from home, which is an enormous relief because I hate driving. I'm looking forward to when I can afford to buy a completely self-driving car!
  4. Authoritarians - You see people trying to impose their own ideas and beliefs on others in every walk of life. Usually the least qualified too. Your rights end where my begin and vice versa buddy!
  5. Divisiveness - People seem quick to group and divide. Based on big things and tiny, inconsequentual things.


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