Love it / shove it challenge

I was nominated by @fathin-shihab for the "Love It/Shove It" challenge and this is my entry. I don't have too much time lately to write a lot on my blog. Personal duties and work are eating a lot of my time. So sorry @fathin-shihab, my entry won't be as long as yours.

Here are the rules:
List five things that you love
List five things that you really dislike
Use the tag #loveitshoveit
Tag five people or more to participate, but anyone can join in.

Love it

1 Family

Might sound cliche, and for lot's of people it might not matter, but for me my family matters a lot. The love and support from my wife, the energy from my kid, it would be hard to do without. I also have a very good relation with my parents and my parents in law.

2 Solving problems

Of course not every problem, I'm not Einstein, but real world practical problems are my thing. I'm not creative in a sense that I can design something beautiful, art is not my thing, I can appreciate it but I can't come up with it myself. Take for example our house. I'm the one who made it practical, thinking of all technicalities, my wife is the one who made it beautiful.

3 Helping others

It's so rewarding. I guess it's something I learned from my grandfather. He traveled to a pilgrimage twice a year for two weeks, just to help people voluntarily. When at home he visited sick and lonely people. When I was a kid I didn't realize 'what' he was doing but somehow it must be in the genes. I used to be a volunteer for the Red Cross but since the birth of my son I don't have that much time anymore and paused that. I'm also active in the local FabLab.

4 Pizza

That doesn't need much explanation does it? Pizza tonno does it every time for me.

5 Learning

My mother says that even when I was a kid I always wanted to learn something new. The moment I mastered something the fun was out of it and I moved on to something new. I remember myself going to the library all the time. Yes, I'm old enough to have known a world without internet. These days the internet is of course a an endless source to learn everything.

Shove it

  1. Leeches

I don't mean this specifically on Steem but most generally. I just hate it when people misuse whatever for their own benifit, especially when it harms others.

2 Liars

I don't mean criminals but just in the day to day life. I just don't get why. It complicates and it frustrates.

3 Panic attacks

From time to time I get ill and suffer from panic attacks. Those are really not fun periods. Luckily a have a lovely wife who supports me.

4 Cleaning

Again: lucky to have a wife ;-)

5 Women who spend too much time in the bathroom

I just like a natural woman. I understand women want to look good, but some just overdo it. It's caring about something I don't consider important at all. I makes me suspicious, it looks like lying about how you look, intentionally, to get something more by deceiving others, and I hate liars.



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