Love It / Shove It Challenge

Hi friends,

I've been nominated to make this post by my friend @ruth-elise. Take a look on her work, you will find an interesting blog with awesome pictures and comments of her. Don´t hesitate to follow her work :)

Love it / Shove it Challenge is about getting to know one another more and the rules for this challenge are:

List five things that you love
List five things that you really dislike
Use the tag #loveitshoveit

Things I love:

  1. Nature
    Is there really anything to explain about nature?! Nature is everything! Nature is the reason why you exists. Gosh, I love nature to death, every little thing on it.

  2. Plants
    My whole apartment is full of plants, I am addicted to plants. I am addicted to watch them grow their way. I need as much nature in my home as I can get.
    (I think I have more than 150 plants in my home... I really need to count them once.) Plants are alive and every new leaf what comes out, fill my heart with love!

  3. Photography
    That´s why I am here on steemit. The possibility to catch moments forever is a great value for me. It will never be the same as before, because time goes by, but this moment is saved for days you want to look back. It´s also important for history anyway!
    I also enjoy the process from A to Z.

  4. Animals
    Animals are nature, we humans are nature, plants are nature, just everything.
    In my opinion animals are creatures who are honest and innocent in what they do or don´t do. No matter, if it´s a crocodile that eats a zebra or a cute baby fox that wants some milk from mommy fox. For some people it just means, they stay under the species human, because their skills are limited. Sure, at one point they are right, but on the other, they don´t. I envy animals for having not the option to decide to be bad to others. This, what nature should be.

  5. Creating
    I love creating stuff! Everytime when I see something I want to have, it´s mostly too expensive for my taste. That´s why I just appropriate to do it by my own. And when you have done it, it has so much more value for you. Because you created it with your own hands in your own way.

(captured on film)

Things I hate:

  1. Eat noisily and with open mouth
    You can be mister Universe, when you eat noisily or with an open mouth or both, the story is over.

  2. Plant pests
    Yep, I know you are also animals, but can you just change the way you need your food? Please?

  3. Advertising and hidden propaganda
    I also catch myself feeling attracted to things I "should" have, because it´s new, cool, a must have, or whatever.
    Materialism today is so dangerous to falling in manipulation of people who decide how you have to live.
    To realize this seems so far away when I see how people live nowadays.

  4. Ignorance
    There are so many ways to be ignorant. I am still on my way to make myself a better person, than I was the day before. Day for day and I think, it will never be enough. But the path is the aim.
    Ignorance is the reason for injustice.

  5. Running every 5 minutes to toilet because of drinking tea
    Ahhh, I don´t know if you have the same problem, but I really hate it.
    I love tea :(

A special thank you to @Ruth-Elise for nominating me.
First I thought: oh this is a funny challenge but when I have started thinking about Love and Hate, it wasn´t that easy I think it would be. I needed some time to think about it and it´s not easy to find the right words to explain, why you think the way you think. But it´s important to make your thoughts, questioning and reflecting yourself.

Now I have written such a long post and I think very less people will read it. Haha!
It doesn´t matter, it was a pleasure!

I also nominate my friends @fcdvpds @ericoliveira @intrepidphotos @juuute @dejan.vuckovic @soyrosa @goanve !
Come on, I want to read what you love and hate :)

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