Love, Surprises and Other Stories


This is my entry for The Love Contest organised by @gee1

Do you believe in love? Why?

Yes, I believe in love.

The most important thing in the world is family and love
John Wooden

I believe in love because it is what makes life interesting. To a large degree, I believe it is the essence of life. Where there is love, there is peace, happiness, joy and all of the good things of life.

Where there is love there is life
Mahatma Gandhi

When I look at everything that has ever happened in this world, including the good, bad and the ugky, I find that every word, thought or action can always be traced to love, or the absence thereof. I believe in the power of love to soften the stony heart, heal broken hearts, uplift emotions and change the world for better.

One of my favourite artiste, Ed Sheeran in his latest Album, ‘Divide’ said the following:

…I’ll be sitting here with the song I wrote saying “Love can change the world in a moment”; but what do I know
What Do I Know?
Ed Sheeran

What is the best surprise you’ve ever received?

A phone. Someone gave my big brother a brand new android phone and he handed it over to me. He just gave me the polythene bag containing the phone and walked away. At the time, my brother was using a low-end Nokia phone that could only perform basic functions like make and receive calls and text messages. (What is commonly referred to as Nokia Torchlight in Nigeria.) When he gave me the phone, I couldn’t contain my excitement. After a while, it dawned on me that my brother could have kept the phone from himself. He gives me a lot of gifts like shoes, shirts, and all but that phone was a great sacrifice on his part and a great surprise for me. I’ve had many pleasant surprises but my brother’s gift reigns supreme.

Let me quickly add that he isn't my biological brother. We simply met in school and he took a liking to me. (I was a freshmen then and he had just finished his mandatory Youth service.) We are beyond friends so I call him my big brother.

Suitable gift

For the Ladies: Cakes, Gadgets, Fashion Accessories, Dinner (I’m not sure if that qualifies but I know my female friends always enjoy having a reason to get excited and dress for the night)

For the Gents: Gadgets, Clothing (There’s a naughty part in me that keeps screaming SEX but I won’t say it)

Thanks for reading.

If you like what you read and think I should win, kindly click here to give my comment an upvote.

Pixabay provided the picture


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