Love means different things to different people...to me..love is everything...its my religion...
I'll be using something i wrote earlier ro answer this question.

They say love is a complete set of emotions, behaviors and beliefs associated with strong feelings of affection,protectiveness, warmth and respect for someone...some say love is a single soul inhabiting two bodies, others even say "love is breathlessness, excitement, having butterflies in your stomach" or "a tingly feeling inside you"...but that...all that is just "being in love" and it can only last for so long, there's a french expression "le coup de foudre" it refers to a kind of love that strikes like a bolt of lightning to the heart and sparks a flame...usually hot and fierce, but what happens when the flame burns out...we all know lightning doesn't strike the same place twice, if you ask me, I'll tell you...love itself is what is left after the flames of passion burn out, if you ask me, I'll tell you....love isn't always pretty,it isn't always rainbows and butterflies...it isn't always a tingly feeling inside you.
Love is sometimes uncomfortable, and vulnerable, you know...its basically giving someone the power to destroy you but trusting them not to, love is shy, like a bow tie...love is awkward...like a stalker walking backwards, love is angry, sometimes cranky, but love is also calm...like an infant in her mother's arm, love is playful and adventurous, love is generous, but will still take the last bite of your food.
Love is jealous and mischievous, sometimes love is petty and ridiculous...but when things get rough...love stays long enough to get you through the rough.
Love isn't always easy, but trust me..shes worth it, worth enough to risk everything for, cause if you aren't willing to risk everything for love...you're risking even more.

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