How the Forever Friends was born

I was married at a very young age of 21,nd my husband was 25.They said we were lovebirds in the community,but as time passes by and we aged together,I seem to doubt the adjective Love Birds for us.There are times when I doubt that the sweetness will forever be there.
As time passes by, things became so ordinary that I hardly notice the difference between love and obligation.until one day:
We went out of town and having felt the hunger I asked my husband if we can eat in a certain restaurant.As I make my order,I notice the cashier looking intenly at me and to my husband,then I observed she was smiling.Wondering what the smile was about, she told me, ma'am I could hardly believe there is still a FOREVER.I was not able to speak at that time,but I look at my husband and smiled the widest smile ever! Me and my husband
are still the lovebirds and FOREVER.


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