Atomic Love

I wonder this:

The intrinsic attraction of one atom to another is classified as such, the mechanical results of unlike subtle charges either of the whole or parts. Which charges are themselves’, a result of energy bodies, which reside within or rather, in coalescence to, a lattice of electromagnetic harmonization, and constitute these structures we have agreed, in favor of simplicity, to label “Atoms”.

My question and I ask you to ponder it with me. Do these apparent attractions have anything whatsoever to do with preference? And, if so what would that mean to the world of nuts and bolts science? Lastly, does even asking these questions mean I have a screw loose; wink.

Is there evidence which precludes these energy bodies from having characteristics such as intellect, expression, intent, or preferences? Of, the state of Love? Are they but form and function with no proclivity or sentiment. Devoid of all intellect or from chemical and atomic interactions, relegating this... cold inert, and all but dead, matter.

No I say.

Each piece/distortion is a whole in and of itself, a dancing flower of electromagnetic life, love, light; a universe.


Love You All
Giant Hugs<3<3<3

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