
Love is generally known as an intense feeling of affection and care towards someone else. It encompasses a variety of various states: emotional, mental, and the likes.
Obsession on the other hand is a compulsive or irrational preoccupation of another person. One appears to be obsessed when one is too interested in or worried about someone.

Tobi is a very soft hearted, gentle and an every lady's kind of man. He got into a neighborhood with two single ladies, already residents of Smith's street.
These two ladies are Cee C and Alex. Cee C is short and fair in complexion while Alex is dark and tall in height.

Days passed and Cee C started getting close to Tobi. There was a first sight connection and attraction which kept them both so into each other. Cee C frowned at every lady who tried to talk to Tobi, both single and married women. Soon Tobi began to realize that he has been in bondage all the while.


Alex was a cool lady who wasn't so interested in falling in love with any man, but at a point, Tobi began to like her
Hmmmm.... I smell war!

Cee C was ready to do anything to keep Tobi to herself. She was always on his trail. Peeping at her window to see if any lady visits Tobi, especially Alex.

Anytime any lady visits Tobi, Cee C would say "Tobi, you are playing with FirešŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„" Awww one could literary see so much fear in Tobi's eyes.

With all these insecurity, Tobi began to feel disgusted with Cee C's behavior. However, Tobi has had an unending obsession over Cee C too and has tried to kiss her for quite a number of times, but has been repeatedly turned down by Cee C.

This isn't love!
Tobi exclaimed.

Ofcourse it wasn't love. Cee C was obviously obsessed with Tobi and couldn't do but fight and fight when she see's any woman with him and at the same tine wouldn't allow him to express his love to her. What a life!

Tobi finally decided to be a man and move closer to Alex. The innocent Alex didn't know how deep it already went down with Tobi and Cee C, but she innocently entered into a "deep" friendship with Tobi.

Lots of drama, bitterness and pain began to unfold as Cee C realized she was already dumped. She cried and cried but it was too late. She later decided to wipe thus off her memory even though it wasn't possible.
She badge into Tobi's house one day and started:

Cee C: Tobi you're an idiot! Fool! Animal! You are a complete piece of shit!
Tobi: keeps looking at her and smiling

Who could have predicted that Tobi could be so into Alex this way? No one! I mean, No one!
The love and friendship between them was beautiful, it was romantic, they could say any and everything to each other and they loved it. Tobi finally found peace. Wow


One can be in love and not be obsessed. Obsession only brings rage, anger, malice, bitterness, fear, insecurity and the likes.
If you truly love someone, trust must be evident in such relationship.

Walk in love! Obsession kills faster than AIDS.

Thanks so much for reading...
Till I come your way next time...
I remain your sugar lovey dovey @oredebby

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