You Are My Most Beautiful Story


Huh ..! "Sonya grunted irritably. Her oval face looked grim. I who sat a little distance away from him got up and approached him.
"Drink ..!" I offered as he gave her a can of cold drink.

"Actually how long is the moderation process?" He asked as he opened the cold drink cover.
"It depends on how many people send short stories at a time. Usually more and more who sent short stories then the process of moderation will be longer. That's what I know ..! "I replied.
Sonya paused. Her fingers played her drink cans.

"How many days did you send him?" I asked, glancing at him.
"This week .." he replied briefly.
"Just be patient. Probably still in the process of moderation .. "cheer me up.

"You've read the draft. How do you think you can get away with moderation? "He asked, looking at me.
"I think it's good. But somehow according to the judgment of others .. "I replied as he turned his gaze toward the park. Every look I gazed at with his gaze, my chest thundered. Oh, God! Hopefully Sonya is not aware of my change.
Silence. We seemed to be drowning with each other's thoughts ..

Sonya, is a girl I can not understand. His attitude can quickly turn from friendly to angry. Vice versa. Small body implies like a child. His character is sometimes calm, but when he is upset, always restless. Sonya rarely smiles, but has a look that penetrates into the heart. Writing short stories is his hobby. Already many short stories that he wrote in his book I read. The theme is diverse, but it's still about teenagers.

A week ago Sonya sent her teen-age short story to a web of short stories. It's been a week too Sonya wait for his short story appeared. But his hopes to see his short story to escape moderation has not been answered.

"You believe in an element of luck?" Sonya asked as we sat on a school bench shaded by a tree. It's the twelfth day since the short story was sent.
"Luck is something out of line. Can also say small mukzijat .. "I assume.
"Hey, I ask you believe it?"
"I believe, but luck the last way we hope. There are other stages that must be passed before we rely on luck, that is hard work, effort and prayer .. "

"Do you think I've got time to rely on luck?"
"Could've been, could not ..." I replied who could guess where the direction of the conversation. Hm, definitely about the short story that never go 'up'.
"How do you like it?"
"Because there is hope, though not close the possibility of your short story is not feasible to rise!"

"Yes, you. Make my spirit dropped .. "
"We should be able to play with a thousand possibilities. What do we think is good, not necessarily according to the judgment of others .. "

"What's going on?"
"I should how?"
"Despite the dark night accompanied by rain, storms and lightning but rest assured the night will change and the rain will abate .."

"What are you really going to say?"
"Simple aja. Never stop writing. Make and make more. Sharp hold your potential. Loaded or not by the media, not the decisive for your success. Because the real success lies in your satisfaction when composing words. Your soul is melting in every story. "
Silence. Sonya paused. I caught a glimpse of a speck of water in the corner of his eye ..

"Andri ..!" Sonya runs towards me. "You must see this .." he said while holding up a teen magazine.
"What's in this magazine?" I asked, accepting his magazine. At first glance it was a collection of teenage short stories.
"Go to page 49!" He commanded.

I immediately searched for page 49. Found it! A short story title is printed in bold: Dear Friend. Underneath is the author's name: Sonya Indriati!
"Congratulations!" I told Sonya.
"Yes, thanks. That's my best story! "She said brightly.
I just smiled. Happy. If your story is the most beautiful for you, then you are my most beautiful story!

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