A simplest thing which can kill you in seconds

life is way more complicated and stranger than we can calculate its complexity, it could lead us to anywhere in seconds.yes, you are getting it right as you are reading it could lead us to self-demolished state in seconds to the stance of rebuildings in milliseconds. the one millisecond destroy you and on the same note you are feeling the most important creature of the universe but why this is happening to us which is the factors which lead us to the state of hollowness.why we are feeling like running in storm of sand with no clue of light, darkens prevail inside our soul and we forget the way to self-satisfaction.

now the human being in a state of dark hollowness who has lost his everything due to the simplest thing.The simplest thing which human being not considered to be given importance and this thing could be named as a comparison, someone wise has said that you could insult your own soul when you start making comparison.

this simplest thing can kill you ............................................

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