Sia-sia waktuku


Kayaknya aku mulai bosan dengen rutinitas ini. Mulai menunda-nunda pekerjaan. Makin sering bersempit hati dengan tuntutan yang aneh-aneh. Makin jauh dari cita-cita. Jemu dengan ruang-ruang cozy yang katanya bisa meningkatkan produktivitas kerja. Jangan salah sangka, aku suka. Cuma jadi sadar, tak bisa lagi ber-”referensi” ria. FOMO. Ujung-ujungnya sering kali mendapati diri sendiri termangu kosong di depan layar dan naskah-naskah. Kerjaan tak selesai, ber-”referensi” pun tidak. Sia-sia waktuku.

I think I'm getting bored with this routine. Start procrastinating work. The more often confused with the strange demands. The further away from the ideals. Tired of the cozy spaces that he said could increase work productivity. Do not get me wrong, I like it. Just becoming aware, can no longer "reference" ria. FOMO. The edges often find themselves stunned blank in front of the screen and the manuscripts. Work is not finished, no "reference" is. It's wasted my time.

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