It's never too late

it has its ways in
Maneuvering into our hearts
Love:very easy to contain
But very hard to maintain
Being in love has a lot of steps
Which could be difficult to follow,but with the help of our love ones it won't matter
Ever been in love with someone you can't be with?
Ever been in love with someone that doesn't know how you feel
Ever been in love with someone whom you know can be your everything
Ever been in love with someone and couldn't tell them how you feel

What great emptiness you feel
When they are so close to you but yet far
How can you express this feeling
Do you have to cry,
Listen to emotional music that could make it worse
Can you share it with someone that knows exactly how you feel
Why not walk up to that person and let them know how u feel
Ego,pride.... Let it go
You never can tell if they feel the same way.
The saddest feeling is loving someone and the person doesn't know how you feel

Listen to your heart
Like it's music to your ears, embrace it like a new born, caress it like you won't let go
Never let the love die
Love like you're gonna loose them forever
Make Every minute count
No regret just be you
Love hurts they say,but give it a try and give your grades
True love never lies
miracles do happen

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