The Absurd Cycle


Life is as absurd as it is beautiful.

I want to talk about relationships here. It’s a crazy cycle. From one to another, is a crazy process, that makes us realize how naïve, and stupid we can be.

If there’s one thing I’ve truly and finally learnt in the last 5 years, is that you can never, ever, hold on to something, someone, anything, that you truly love. Love is not something that you can bind for yourself; it is not something that you can grab, not something that you can rush, not something that you can demand. It takes, a lot of time, and can only be felt in moments, in basic raw emotions.

It’s a cycle because, if there’s someone who hurt us, we truly realize why that happened, when we end up doing the same thing to another person. It’s about personal perception, about these things.

It’s about the level where you’re at as you’ve experienced these things. And when you realize why the past hurt us, and that it is and was inevitable, for you to be that past for someone else, you truly accept, forgive, and, understand, how things are, and how sometimes, some things are just not explainable.

People can sometimes not be in a position to understand love, and relationships, the way that we do. They have their own point of view, that they cannot budge from at this point in time, and we have our own.

Sometimes, we have to bear the burden of hurting someone else. It’s not their fault, not ours. Just the way these things happen.

This realization sets you free, and you laugh at your own stupidity.

Everyone is unique, and different in their own ways. The absurdity and beauty of life, is such that you learn so much from one person, have amazing experiences, and then you can learn and experience more with someone else. It keeps going on and makes you wiser, stronger, and more aware of your own self, and your abilities.

Cheers, to all the experiences experienced, and to countless more to come, and to the future me, laughing at my opinions here.

Note: The above might not make sense at all to some, as this is just something i thought about and wrote as it is. .

Source of image: Google

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