Acceptance, Appreciation, Admiration - Loving Freely is AmAZing

Accept what is
Appreciate goodness
Admire greatness

Acceptance brings us into relation with this moment in motion, as it is.
We can resist this moment, or wish for it to be other than it is.
In so doing, we are taking our selves away from this moment, as it is.
Being attentive to this moment starts with accepting this moment, as it is.

Appreciation shifts our attention to what is good in this moment.
This world of duality includes what is good and what is not.
Through accepting what is, and appreciating what is good,
We see this world clearly, and we move in the direction of goodness.

Admiration brings our attention to the highest qualities in another.
This lifts another up, and allows us to aspire for more greatness within our self.
From a space of acceptance, appreciation, and admiration.
We see clearly, we move towards goodness, and we align with greatness.

Accept what is.
Appreciate goodness.
Admire greatness.

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