

The needle had shown at 6.10 when a Kinan rose from the soft mattress with a reluctant feeling. Actually the soul and body protest heavily. But the call of nature has been demanding accompanied by the sound of his thunderous monster to 3 houses next to Kinan. Her mother's ultrasonic voice can indeed make the ears swollen. If Kinan were still stubborn by immersing her body in a warm blanket, maybe a pinch of tarantula bites in the interior of Africa would land on her ass. Ascertained it will last up to 6 months.

Kinan stepped reluctantly and very, very gravely forced to the wide-open bathroom door of cheers to greet her. Step Kinan so limp because lazy as if the prisoner will be executed only. Mama Kinan was waiting with her arms crossed to her chest and ready to snap. If in the picture, his face will be similar to Cinderella's stepmother only. It's already half past seven and Kinan has not come out yet, too, making his mother have to bang on the bathroom door loudly. "HERE THIS HOUR HOURS HOW !!!" snapped his Mama. Kinan is already immune, he came out with an inoncent face to make his mother more emotionally. "KINAN, later mama stay lho," but Kinan instead replied "Yes have lived aja, Kinan can kok naek angkot," replied Kinan indifferent. He knew in his heart that his mama was not going to get a Kinan to go to school alone. Not worried because Kinan will be kidnapped but if Kinan even stray in Game center near school. Understandably kinan maniac the same name that nge-game from solitaire to RO. To the extent that last night Kinan sleep at 01.00 to finish the newly installed game.

With a slightly wandering eye Kinan walked over to the white dressing table in the corner of his room to shrink. Kinan does not want to set foot to school with a messy appearance because it will only make the day more gloomy. Every day Kinan always complains when it comes to the mirror. An ugly girl locked in the mirror was always cynical smile. A curly-haired girl is hard to set up like a noodle sold in a canteen, a wizened-like chin, a fleshless cheek and a black circle of hollows that adds more accent to her eyes. "No wonder Hesa ​​pulled away," Kinan said irritably.

For 6 months now Hesa ​​and Kinan have been invented. Hesa is the first and last guy to be Kinan's wish. It was like a falling collapse of the durian rather than a walk around the world when Hesa ​​asked her to be his girlfriend. Certainly it is the sweetest moment ... nis ... nis sweeter than saccharin. What is it.

In a time when she was wearing a gray-white uniform she did not think she could get a cool guy abis. They do not meet in the corridor, the cinema, the library or the cafeteria. But they most often go together in the Game center. That's why at school a little know if Kinan is a girl Hesa. "THIS KINAN HAD HOURS HOW !!!" snapped Mama. "Yeah Ma ..." Kinan said in a hurry. Kinan polished the thin powder on her facial skin and combed her curly hair carefully. If only Kinan was not careful that much jagged comb would be an additional accessory that would not get away.

Movement of yawning is indeed the most frequent movement Kinan do along the corridor to his class. Again Kinan daydreams of Hesa. It's been a week they do not walk together and talk like a dating person. This is because their class is far away and Hesa ​​is always busy. The appearance of a Kinan whose foggy curl decomposes, the loose-fitting clothes on the roll like thugs, and the oversized skirt does make Kinan's appearance other than the others. Because usually girls in school Kinan diligently update the appearance according to the latest style. Hair that is jet black straight down or trendy Harajuku hair style, minimalist thin dress and other accessories.

Actually as a CEWEK, Kinan also want to look normal. But always if Kinan is forbidden his mama to change appearance so as not to drift away. "Be yourself the best," That is the message of his mother always ringing in the head Kinan.
"Eh Nan, stunned aja, nab lo ntarrak nabrak," said Mila, clapping hard enough Kinan's shoulder to make Kinan jerked. "Eh hey," replied Kinan briefly.
"Very lethargic, dong spirit. Cook the successor of the mental state of tempe, "said Mila with passion. "Sok PPKN really anyway, anyway what the same connects to tempe," replied Kinan tersus.
"Yeee early in the morning already sewot, ntar kalo pouting continue your face can not return normal, add long so grandma keeps grandmother attach and keep vampire" Kinan just grinning to hear the sentence Mila jayus abis.

"Eh Nan, just dong tuh meatballs instead of lemon ice cook to lo sedot," said Mila in a loud voice make some people around come look over at Kinan. Kinan jerked and quickly pulled a straw from his baks bowl with a flushed face.
"How to eat new," Kinan said ngeless. "Nan some of your souls have been stolen alien or in the same suction Voldemort," said Mila with frown probing. "Mang napa?" Replied Kinan indifferently.
"Tau not now lo rarely konsen, lo values ​​down often daydreaming," replied Mila sok patronizing "Lo again have problems ya ?. Ah is the same as Hesa-kan, "Mila added. Kinan could not answer, he just curved his lips a sign of Mila's true guess.
"I feel aja he tuh more and more far away, maybe he was shy, yes the same way me," said Kinan softly while churning out the baksonya not tasteful. "Lo can not so dong Nan, anyway you have not asked Hesa's opinion. Anyway you must PD alias confident. If I say you're beautiful, "said Mila while chewing ice cubes. "Thanks La, you emang buddy baek" Kinan said short without expression. "Yeee dibilangin also ..." Mila replied "Eh Nan, tuh people who diomongin sticking out" said Mila while nudging Kinan's arm hard. Kinan's eyes turned to a guy who was passing not far from where he sat. A real red-haired bloke, a tall white skin and a perfect strapping body. No wonder the eyes of the girls suddenly directly ngekor and turned into the lop-lope if he passed. Like the eyes of Kinan who stared at the guy's figure by not blinking.
"Eh Kinan ... .Nan ... Nann still your soul, your mind !?" Mila said while shaking Kinan body. "What the hell?" Replied Kinan as he turned his attention to his baks. It seems that Hesa's eyes can not see a figure of Kinan waiting expectantly in the din of the cafeteria. In the eyes of Kinan can be seen that Hesa ​​looks happy to walk with her friends. Friends who are as smart, both have a princely face, good at sports. Behind her is a pretty and fashionable girl with a laugh that makes Kinan's heart hot. Staring at a group of elites passing in front of him made him think that Kinan was not worth matching a Hesa ​​crossed his mind. Seeing Hesa's smiling face is more than enough.

This last lesson time seems to buangettt lamaaa. Many students who had fallen asleep were carried away by Manti Ranti's voices. The chapter on the Narrative being explained is like listening to the story of a fairy tale. Actually Kinan does not have any problem with this lesson. Kinan stayed put his head on the table and closed his eyes. But since the position Kinan fickle became not even sleepy. Not because of boredom but because of dying pipop. Ranti's mother is notoriously patient if she teaches but her emotions can go up if there are students who interrupt while explaining even if it's just a license to go back.

"Why not just take a break?" He asked with half-eyed eyes. "Ngg was not dying," said Kinan stammered.
"Answer correctly, using EYD. Know nothing about EYD, "replied Mrs. Ranti in a fierce voice. Kinan can wet in front of the class because Mrs. Ranti was busy explaining about EYD. "Sorry Mom, I really want to backward," pleaded Kinan once more. "Yes it's fast," said Mrs. Ranti who saw the seriousness in Kinan's eyes.
In the heart Kinan had guessed it would happen. But no wonder now he was relieved to meet the call of nature. Her hand that was about to open the door was stopped when there were 2 girls who were talking again with a loud voice.
"Vii, really you have a crush on Hesa, but listen to her already have a girl," said girl 1. "Well, anyway, emang lo ever see the face of a girl, just a kaleee dream" The girl heard it in an amused voice. "Yes you never" he asked sharply. "Oo Udah dong, his face tuh not what what ya deump swell jadulll banget" replied the girl 1 with high tone.
Kinan's hand grasping like a rock hard because it holds the burning emotions. "Tuh girls like ducks bad forgot aja kalo nyada Hesa," he said.
"Eh still mending tuh, most if they walk together Hesa ​​kayak take his bulldog walk," replied the girl 1 loudly. Unconsciously tears of soft tears drip slowly moistened Kinan's soft cheeks. Her throat dries when she cries.

Kinan watch already shows 5 o'clock. Kinan is still patient sitting on a brown bench not far from the OSIS room. Previously he had never been this brave to meet Hesa ​​in her girl status. Even more often Hesa ​​is looking for him. The OSIS meeting took more than 2 hours to make Kinan's feelings hesitate to stay afloat. In his heart Kinan has made a determination to talk with a Hesa ​​seriously.

Perhaps today also ends the dream of Cinderela or the Ugly Duckling. He decided to stay away from the prince he could not reach and turn back into an ordinary girl. The orange twilight seemed to mock her by writing a message in the sky "You're so ugly" makes Kinan's heart heavy.

Tampaknya rapat telah selesai dan para pengurus mulai berhamburan keluar. Mungkin dalam pikiran mereka terlintas “Siapa sih gadis jelek penunggu pintu ini!”
Di antara kelompok elite yang secara bergerombol keluar dari pintu ruang osis tak sulit bagi Kinan untuk mencari Hesa karena tubuhnya yang menjulang dan rambut ombak merah panjang yang tak lazim dimiliki. Hesa berjalan bersama teman-temannya sambil tertawa dan di belakangnya ngekor 2 cewek centil. Dipastikan bahwa itu adalah cewek yang ada di toilet tadi. Itu dapat dilihat dari lagatnya yang memandang sinis ke arah Kinan. Hesa tampak terkejut saat menangkap sosok seorang Kinan yang sedang duduk menunggunya. Kemudian ia mengisyaratkan teman-temannya agar duluan sementara kedua cewek centil itu komat-kamit sambil ketawa-ketiwi memandang ke arah Kinan.

Sekarang suasana sekolah benar-benar kosong. Hesa mencoba merapatkan duduknya di samping Kinan. “Tumben Nan, kamu nunggu aku,” ucap Hessa dengan suara bassnya. “Ngg kamu nggak suka,” jawab Kinan. “Nggak aku seneng banget malah,” ucap Hesa dengan tatapan menengadah. Ucapan dua cewek centil itu kembali menghantui pikiran Kinan. Emosinya kembali naik dan tanpa sadar mengucapkan kalimat. “Kamu nggak malu jalan sama aku?” ucap Kinan dengan suara nyaring membuat Hesa terperanga. Suasana menjadi hening. Kata orang diam = iya, membuat Kinan berdiri dan beranjak meninggalkan Hesa. Dengan cepat Hesa meraih tangan Kinan dan berdiri tepat di depannya.
Hesa menatap tajam tepat pada bola mata Kinan. Di kedua bola mata Hesa dapat terlihat sorot kesungguhan. Kedua telapak tangan Hesa yang dingin memegang kedua pipi Kinan dengan lembut. Hal itu memaksa Kinan memfokuskan pandangan hanya pada bola mata Hesa dengan lembut. Tak lama kemudian Hesa berbicara dengan suara bassnya yang cowok banget.
“Kinan tahu nggak kenapa aku suka sama kamu?” tanya Hesa.
“Nggak,” jawab Kinan singkat dengan ketus. “Kamu adalah kamu, bukan cewek lain atau bisa di bilang kamu adalah cewek terunik yang pernah aku temui” ucapnya dengan tegas. “Kamu selalu jadi dirimu sendiri, aku suka segala keunikan dari dirimu itu merupakan keistimewaan bagiku atau bisa dibilang kamu cantik dengan segala keanehanmu,” ucapan ‘Kamu Cantik’ sungguh terdengar jelas di telinga Kinan. Wajahnya memerah dengan buliran air mata senang yang mengalir di pipi tapi kemudian dengan lembut Hesa mengusapnya. Di sore ini senja nan merah indah tampaknya juga ikut tersenyum.

“Kinan is beautiful girl”

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