Our 29th Wedding Anniversary - October 7th, 2018

Twenty-nine years ago today, Jim and I said our vows before family and friends, and began married life together. We'd actually met in July 1987, got engaged the following June, then set the date for October 7th 1989, which was serendipitously one week before my parents 25th wedding anniversary. It worked out perfectly, since we were able to make our rehearsal dinner into an anniversary dinner for them as well.

I originally planned to make this a huge post, with tons of pictures and descriptions, but the process of scanning all these took much longer than I'd hoped. However, as our youngest said, I can continue working on it, and it should be ready by our 30th! 😂

While my dad and Nana Souza (my maternal grandmother) are no longer with us, as well as some of our other wedding guests, I'm happy they live on in my memories of that day, and in the pictures below.

Oh, and I love you hon. You've been my rock from the beginning, and you continue to support me and love me no matter what. You are, and forever will be, my best friend and part of my heart. Our kids are lucky to have you as a dad, and I'm proud to call you my husband. ❤️❤️

Our 29th Wedding Anniversary
Let's start with one of our engagement photos. This isn't the one we picked for the newspaper announcement, but I think it's the one that looks most natural.

The newspaper announcement (back when that was a thing...geez, we're old...lol). I love that it was published in our local paper exactly one year before our wedding date!

My parent's house was a few blocks from the church, which was a few blocks from the reception hall, so my parents decided a carriage was in order. This was taken in front of my parent's house as we waited for the carriage to arrive.

We made it to the church on time! Well, give or take a few minutes, and my Dad walked me down the aisle.

Our first kiss as a married couple

In the doorway of St Joseph's church in Magnolia, MA - a gorgeous small town church that sadly no longer exists.

Because the ride to the reception hall was so short, our awesome carriage driver took us for a ride around the shore of Magnolia before heading to the hall.

And of course, our photographer followed and got a few shots.

At the reception at the Surf Restaurant in Magnolia MA (which is also sadly gone). Dad and I did our "Father/Daughter" dance to "I'd like to teach the world to sing." I picked that song, because when I was little, he used to dance me to sleep in the living room to the song.

Jim's mother opted to skip the wedding (long, boring story), so he and my mom kicked up their heels to the "Mother/Son" dance (and I've completely spaced what song it was).

Then it was our turn (or maybe we danced first...I forget...LOL). We chose Taylor Dayne's I'll Always Love You for our dance.

Neil Diamond is special to my parents for a number of reasons, so they danced to "Song Sung Blue" (at least I think that was the one - feel free to yell at me mom, if I got it wrong!)
EDITED TO ADD - Yep, I totally got it wrong. My mother reminded me they danced to Neil's "The Story of My Life." And yes, I just cried listening to it again after all these years.

Time for some formal shots!

My parents & the newlyweds

Almost the whole wedding party (the youngsters are missing) with Nana (Genevieve Souza, my maternal grandmother) in between me and Jim.

The newspaper announcement came out sometime the following week - however, they goofed one thing. We spent one week in the Poconos (a family member let us use their timeshare for a week). The second week (which was actually the first week we were married, as we had to wait for the timeshare date to start) we had a staycation honeymoon.

One of the coolest things was that a week after we got married, which happened to be my parent's 25th anniversary, this picture appeared on the front page of our local paper. Granted it was below the fold, but it was hard to scan the whole page, so I edited it a bit...LOL! Guess it pays to have a Gloucester Daily Times photographer snap your wedding pictures!


Thanks for joining me in this walk down memory lane!


Photo credit: Traci York, taken with my trusty Nikon,
and sometimes utilizing my handy dandy tripod
Blog graphics: created on Canva

All words and images are mine (unless otherwise indicated),
and can sometimes also be found on my various social media sites.
Speaking of witch which...

I have one billion many homes on the interwebz.
Here are a few -

3 columns
2 columns
1 column