A Lot Like Love

Three Couples in Love {credits to my friends for this photo in one of the beaches in Cebu, Philippines (Kota Beach)}

When Love is an issue...

When I discussed about emotions, group of students asked me once about the concept of love. Is love an emotion? Of course it is not. How can love become an emotion? I strongly believe an agree to the idea that love is an action word. One could never tell if it is love when there's no action that is done behind the idea of loving. Love is a strong feeling towards another person or individual. It is not emotion because when we deal with love we might experience various emotions out from love. One could never tell if it is already love once you can't experience it. It is not only about butterflies in your stomach (fear) when you see your love once. The more it is not just smiling and lurking into the person you like (happiness). Love is not how you pretend not to see the person you like and reject that person-which means you are in denial stage (manifestation of anger). It is not about the (disgusting) emotion you feel when you see those piercings or tattoos on someone you like. Emotions is a lot like love.

Knowing More About Love

Later on, I realized that the way I describe love is only one of the aspects among the 5 languages of Love. The Five Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts is a book written by Dr. Gary Chapman. He is a renowned marriage therapists studying various situations of couples whose love won't last. According to him there are five languages of love. Love is an interaction between individuals. Not all couples are the same on their language of love. This is always the trigger point that relationships (intimate relationships) will not last. To love is not a guarantee of a lasting relationship. Each one of you should understand your language of love. Base from this book, and going back to my description of love when I stated that Love is not an emotion. You can only tell if it is love when there is an action being done. I guess I fall to the love language on Acts of Service.

In one way or another we vary with our Love Languages. We are intrigue to know our love language because we would like to understand our partner the way they understand us. When we can understand our love language and our partner knows about it then most probably it could be less likely to happen for people to fall out of love.


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