What if Sherlock meets his love

Sherlock: Your pupils dilated the moment I touched your hand the other day. I remarked that scarlet would suit you and here you are in scarlet— from lips to dress to your stilettos. Which by the way is making you appear even taller than me. To an untrained eye it would go amiss but to me it says much more about your psychology. You prefer to come from a position of dominance, which is also suggested by the fact that you comfortably tilted your hand to be over mine while we shook our hands. Sorry but I did take your pulse and I have to admit that your heart did a lot more than just skipping a beat.

You are getting nervous now— constant biting of lips and your fingers running through your curls, says you want to say something. Could be— “Oh! Mr. Holmes, have you noticed the new color of my hair?”, which I did by the way. Or it could be— “Would you like to grab a cup of coffee?”

Now my usual reply to such a situation is— “Black. Two sugars please.” But something is different about you. Your face randomly appeared in my mind palace which says that subconsciously I was thinking about you. A rare occurrence indeed but somehow delightful at the same time. There is something about your eyes that has captured my fancy. I was actually thinking about you the other night. Isn’t that what humans normally do?

Now my usual response to such a circumstance would be to humiliate you until you consider me the most arrogant arsehole on the planet. But something inside me is making me go against a few beliefs which I myself stand for and thus I am inclined to not hurt you in any way.

What I am trying to say here miss, is that I am a man of intellect who despises emotions of any sorts. Yet I myself am stuck in a place where I am clearly running out of words to explain my feelings. And this is coming from a man who had memorized the entire dictionary when he was seven. See, you somehow complete the void that has been haunting me for sometime and I enjoy your company to an extent that I forget my own troubles. So if you will, miss. I am in lov… attracted… I am attracted towards you and it would really be even less embarrassing than this proposal if I skip the part where I go down on my knees and produce the ring. So how about I say this— “Will you be my partner in crime? And when I say crime, the pun is intended. Will you XYZ take me as your boyfriend, till the time you decide to marry me? I assure you that I will protect you till my dying breath and won’t ever let anything affect you.”

Now why are you crying? Is that what people normally do? Did I say it wrong? Yes? Where did I go wrong? I even skipped the part about your… oh, by yes you mean a YES.
Well that’s umm… that is… really remarkabl… She kisses him

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