If You're Going To Love Somebody, Don't Use Your Heart - Use Your Ears


I always get confused when people say: "love with all your heart".

Because if they're referring to that ten-ounce muscle pumping blood throughout my entire body, then hell no. I'm keeping the heart to myself, thank you. I enjoy the good circulation. 

Probably, the nineteen-year-old me who grew up on a diet of Hollywood romance aka When Harry Met Sally, Sixteen Candles, and The Notebook, would have pretended to understand what the hell it means to love with your heart. 

But today, I soberly admit that I have no clue at all. To use your heart in love, kind of seems all too abstract to me. I need a more practical approach. And i believe we should stop mucking around in the oh-so-fickle heart for a solution and turn instead to our oh-so-humble ears.

So, this is what I consider one of the purest ways in which we can love someone.

You're sitting across from your partner, and you're just listening to them recount the most mundane details of their day. You're not searching for their sense of humour, or their intellect. You're not waiting for a punchline, or a profound insight. You're listening to them because you've come to the realisation that what is being said, is secondary to the person who is saying it. 

When you can listen to someone without any self-serving need to "get" something out of the conversation. You're showing up and acknowledging them even in the sleepiest of conversations. 

So if you're going to love someone, then listen up - with both ears. 

You might disagree, with all your heart on this, but thanks for hearing me out anyway.

I appreciate it;)

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