love and it companions.........just what you don't think!

Hello My Fellow Steemians,

Fams am so sorry, have not been active for a while now, though it's not my fault, have been very sick for the past one week, but thank God am back now, glory be to God in the highest. Well, I am very happy to announce to you guys, that am fully back now, healed and strong, here to move my movement here on steemit. Guys it's time to steem on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, going into what I actually have to talk about today, It's not a new thing, It's something we all know, well all do, we all experience and witness. Well, am actually gonna talk about love and it's companions, which is not new to everyone of us, but there are things I discovered we don't know or we know but don't know how to handle it. So am gonna talk it out in the little way I understand, starting with love itself.

Will talk it out with the aid of the list below.....Just what you don't think!


What I have in the list above is actually what I call the five fingers to move the flag of a fine relationship.

I guess it's high time have started with love!



Love is good, love is great, love is beautiful, but it can never be without works!
Love is a good thing almost everyone on the planet earth experience, It's a kind of feeling that makes even a wise man act foolish and makes an elderly woman act just like a kid. Love is indeed beautiful, but the sacrifice to make it appear beautiful is what many don't understand/know.

"It takes a minute to like someone, and hour to love someone but a lifetime to make the love appear beautiful"

When a wise one falls in love, he/she would first think of what and what to offer, What can the relationship offer him or her? What can he or she offer the relationship? But I discovered that many of us today don't know what we even offer even at marriage's door step, and it's quiet unfortunate that we have a lot of husbands and wives who now claim not to love each other anymore. *When I was still very very young, I use to think likewise ask myself, why people who claim to love each other still finds it very easy to brake up? Then I couldn't answer myself until when I got to discover that......

"Many people fall in love but only few people rise and shine in love"

I got to know that why people who claim to love each other truly still finds it very easy to brake up is because they refuse or they don't know each other. In a situation whereby a guy is timid to ask his partner some questions or finds it difficult to present his true self to his partner, this kind of situation destroys a lot in a relationship, couples are met to know each other well even at the point of SIN!!!!!!!!!!



Talking about trust in a relationship, it's a very important thing but very difficult to acquire, if I may say I would say "it takes a lifetime to earn it" cause no human being is worth a trust, but no matter how difficult it may be, it's very important to have a very strong and large space for trust in a relationship. At a point in time, in a relationship, when either of the couple begins to lose trust in the other partner, it could be very dangerous, but the initial mistake many make is not confronting their partners. Only few people are free from doubt, but the truth is....Only a person who doesn't trust his or herself finds it difficult to trust another and moreover, the same problem we still have here is the issue of the hidden picture. What is the hidden picture? The hidden picture is the real and true you that you are scared of letting your partner know. If you are a guy in a relationship with a good girl, you smoke but she doesn't know, will you let her know ? since you love her.



This is another serious issue people don't take serious. Many think it's totally wrong for one to be jealous in a relationship but I actually see it as a good thing, the fact is it's normal to be jealous and it's good, but like people do say that "too much of everything is bad" yes the act of jealousy is good but when it happens to be too much and a person begins to be hot tempered, then it's a bad weapon, but I tell you a genuine love is never without jealousy! Like it is recorded even in the bible that even God almighty is a jealous God.

"If he is never jealous because of you, he never loved you"



When we could't help the fear it turns anger, yes almost everyone is close to fear but the fact is it's very dangerous to nurse the fear. In every relationship I observe that even an argument is inevitable and the usefulness of it is to test the understanding of the couple which will enable them to know how to fight while laughing, Like I do say to myself that if i could secure a relationship with the level of understanding of 80% and having love for just 20%, for me it worth a wedding party, and to be frank we ought not to always expect the good only in every relationship cause it doesn't build the team, but the formula I myself discovered have at least a better relationship there should be a dog's keeper because there will always be a dog, but the question is who will agree to be the dog's keeper? If we happen to have the both as dogs, can the relationship make it? Hell no!!!!!!!! I love her, but I chose to be a fool for her, not because I can't fight it, but I just value what my heart gives!!!



This very one, the greatest of all, the one that helps a good wife to win the heart of a nasty husband, Having patient not even only in relationships but in every areas of life. When a man is patient he is entitle to many fortunes in life and the most dangerous thing in life is to be patient but not patient enough!

Thanks for reading!

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