And the woman you've been chasing for years: is she really better than BAC II girl, who would say yes straight away?

It is a phrase in the book, "The Art of Thinking Clearly", on topic number 60, talking about Effort Justification.

Just after a girl that I was falling in love leaving for her master's degree in Australia on the 2nd of August 2014, I opened the book, The Art of Thinking Clearly, to a random topic. It is the topic 60th of the book, under the title of , Hurts So Good. The context of the topic covering the concept of Effort Justification. The 3 page topic ends with a tremendous question, "And the woman you've been chasing for years: is she really better than BAC II girl, who would say yes straight away?", - it leaded me to a big laugh. :D

The stack of my brain popped with that great idea so long, GIVING UP OR NOT? Since I have started until now; I haven't seen any signal of green light or there is but I am not clever enough to figure it out. Another quote came to replace the idea from the book, "Whenever you think about giving up, think about why you've kept going for this long." Within this idea, encouraging me to continue.

Last week, I recommended her to that book, since she was once kind of book warm just like me; just the passed year that so many things came to her and completely change her good habit of reading. I tracked her jump to the topic number 60, and also stressed that she should put more concentration on the last paragraph. She was quite curious about that, and luckily she could find the book online and promise to go through that topic for night time story.

On the following day we had a chat:

Me: Hi, have u gone through some pages of the book I recommended?
Her: Sure,
That was not so interesting as u said
Just a sentence
Me: Lolzzz
Her: Only the sentence is interesting
That's wat u meant I guess
Me: so nothing, :)
I am not going to follow the idea, hehe
Her: I start to like the book
Thinking of buying the hard copied one
Thanks for recommending
Me: Thinking clearly before buying, haha
Her: Haha sure
Thanks again for reminding
May need to finish the whole book before buying then
Hope the journey to the end is exciting

It was quite a really nice chat with her, there are a lot of things to go next.
Best wish for her healthy.

Last time just a sweet word from me, one week without any chat with her. I was so worry, and finally she wrote "hi" to me :)

Some people like the other proving by acting instead of saying sweet words, and love story cannot following a model of anyone.

I still think that she still open for me. Last week, she deactivated her account on facebook, and after that a few hour she dropped a message to me on skype, to let me know that she deactivated her account, and let me contact her via skype instead.

Up until now life is still beautiful.

I suggest everyone to go through the book, the way the book composing is so interesting and also attractive ;)

At last, I was blocked by her on facebook after an argument that I request to meet her when she was in Cambodia for a vacation during her master. She rejected, we end that young relationship just after less than 1 year and a half. :)

Photo Apr 19, 9 03 05 PM.jpg

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